Subject: Video: 3 Things the Soul Needs to Thrive…July Newsletter

Happy July, Friend!

When I was struggling in life, I had a very weak relationship with my soul. Everything was an effort and I felt disappointed a lot of the time.

As I discovered ways to connect to my soul, and made tending to it a part of my daily practice, life became more enjoyable and fulfilling. It was easier to heal, find my beloved partner, and feel satisfied in my service to others.

Plus, the sacred space of the soul is full of wonderful surprises—like a never ending mystery story that is revealing where your life-force is hidden!

So what does your soul need to thrive? And why is it important?

This connection is so important I created a short (less than 3 minutes) video about it.

Find out why it's important to nurture your soul, and 3 things your soul needs to thrive in the video at the bottom of this page.

Holding you and your beautiful soul,
PS If you are feeling particularly committed to nurturing your soul, my Mystic Dreaming audio course is the special of the month—a powerful way to support your soul in thriving!

Enjoy these free resources for helping you deepen your connection to your soul

Video: 3 Things the Soul Needs to Thrive

Enjoy this short video about why and how to nurture your soul:

Grateful for You Gifts
Misa has joined up with just a few colleagues she deeply respects to offer you some very special gifts.

Get to know these recommended, powerful and talented experts by picking up one of their gifts.

Go there now, this offer is ending:

Beating the Odds
Beliefs can be powerful for creating or limiting your healing. 

If you want to know about what beliefs might be limiting your healing abilities, check out this free report from Misa.

Empower yourself by embracing beliefs that support you in beating the odds in your healing:

Discover the Gifts of the Sacred Feminine
The Holding meditation is used to help you Hold and dissolve difficult emotions, but it can also be used to Hold the dreams that are just on the edge of your consciousness.

Perhaps those dreams aren’t fully accessible at the moment, yet those dreams occupy space and that space can be Held.

If you don’t have The Holding Meditation yet, you can get a free download here.

With it, you’ll receive announcements for Misa’s monthly Healing Water Teleceremonies for women.

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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