Subject: Selected gifts for you from spiritual teachers and healers I trust…

Hi Friend,

Every now and then, it’s just fun to receive isn’t it?

In all honesty, this is still an area of growth for me, so when it can be fun—all the better.

Like so many of us, I was giving of myself at a very early age, and I was taught to be very careful about being selfish. Wanting too much was even considered to be sinful, or at least less than holy.

So I learned to focus on giving to others, and eventually that translated into resenting others who were successful monetarily or enjoyed ease in their lives.

I even found fault with people who created abundance, telling myself they were all greedy, but secretly envying what they enjoyed.

My whole concept of receiving had been equated with something evil or bad.

What I didn’t understand is that receiving is energy embodied in the Sacred Feminine. As I cut myself off from receiving, I cut myself off from my own Divine nature.

I’ve come to understand that greed and receiving are not the same energies.

Greed manifests to fulfill one’s own desires at the expense of others.

To receive, however, is to welcome life’s gifts and pleasures as they were intended for us to be enjoyed.

When receiving, you allow yourself to graciously accept another’s act of giving and, in doing so, you fulfill each other in a grand cycle of loving engagement.

In a Divine way, receiving is an impulse that calls in and blesses the light of creation that most pleases you in this moment.

My own sexuality has served to be a great teacher about giving and receiving. As a woman, the powerful sexual impulse to receive into my body, reminds me that the very nature of receiving is natural and sacred.

I was taught to attend to Jesus’ teaching, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

This concept dominated most of my life, until I decided to question whether that statement was completely true in all circumstances or taken out of context.

As a teacher, I know how often I have shared a concept with one student that would not be appropriate for another.

For example, if I was working with a client who was struggling with their inner urges to take, even at the expense of another, Jesus’ words would be a most appropriate concept to work with.

However, if I was working with a client who was giving away too much of themselves to others, they would be better served to explore the sacred nature of receiving. In which case, we might consider how it is more blessed to receive than to give.

Moreover, constantly giving but not receiving is often one of the hidden causes of illness in the clients I work with.

Spiritual growth is about balance rather than absolutes in any one direction, so it can be wise to consider the context of any teaching that seems to direct our attention toward only a more yin or yang direction.

To receive Divine love is sublime.

And in order to give it, one must be able to receive it, until one is simply love at all times.

Because I spent so many years giving more than I could afford to give, I’ve been finding my balance as I open to gratefully receiving.

For many of us on spiritual journeys, this is part of our great work in this lifetime—to find our own balance with our yin energy by allowing ourselves to receive.

That’s why I was so happy when a few of my colleagues suggested we offer some of our most special gifts to the people we serve.

It’s truly a joy to me to consciously engage with you in the cycle of giving and receiving.

My birthday is coming up and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to provide you with an opportunity to receive some selected gifts from the powerful healers/teachers I go to when I need support.

In the process, I’ll be receiving too because I’ll meet many new friends who decide to receive my gift.

So we all get to receive! ☺

You can check out the gifts below.

I look forward to hearing about how the gifts from my respected friends support you in your journey as you receive from them.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Grateful for You!
Misa has joined up with just a few colleagues she deeply respects to offer you some very special gifts.

Go there now, and get to know these recommended, powerful and talented experts by picking up one of their gifts:

Program of the Month - ending soon, final reminder
Well it’s not a program, but Misa agreed to make her Readings available to you this month at a discount in order to kick the summer off right.

Misa is known for helping people understand their unique spiritual gifts, and how to apply those gifts to solve their biggest problems.

Choose a Healing Reading, Life Path Reading or Soul Journey Reading at 33% off – down from her regular $249 to $165.

This special ends at the end of the month, and this is the final reminder.

I feel as though a new world has gently, yet powerfully, burst into being...and finally birth has arrived! My own birth, or rebirth. I remember this person! And I love her dearly.
—Catherine Brown

Recording of the Month ending soon, final reminder
Having hot flashes or uncomfortable symptoms as you move through menopause? Or maybe your hormones are out of balance (even though you are not experiencing or are past menopause)?

This is the sound medicine Misa used to move through menopause with ease. It’s tailored to bring your hormones into a healthier balance for you.

Encourage gentler hormonal transitions with this Sound Healing by Misa:

Spiritual Readers
One of Misa’s colleagues, James Schwartz, and his clients explored some of life’s most intriguing questions during hypnotherapy sessions, such as:

Why are we here on this planet? What happens when we die? Is there such a thing as karma? Is there an afterlife? Is there a secret to healing the physical body?

Discover the answers in his new book:

Favorite Prescription of the Week
Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you an ecard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

To your fulfillment!
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