Subject: This Monday—break free from emotional trauma

3 Secrets to Unshakable Self-Love

Hi Friend

I remember what it’s like to live in emotional trauma. I felt like I was living in a prison, but thankfully, through guidance in feminine wisdom—I found my way out.  


And now I’m privileged to teach women time-tested practices for breaking free from trauma and living in the joy of unshakable self-love.

Women are getting such great results, that I decided to offer this complimentary master class again. You are invited to join me for free at Transcend Emotional Trauma: 3 Secrets to Unshakable Self-Love!

(If you attended this before, you are welcome to attend again, and even invite a friend. ;)


In this rich-content experience you discover how to:

  • Stop feeling taken advantage of and attract people who are there for YOU

  • Finally heal from what feels unhealable, and get your vitality back

  • Put an end to unfulfilling relationships, so you can enjoy lasting love


Using ancient feminine wisdom, you learn gentle, easy ways to overcome the pain of trauma and tap into your limitless potential for love.


Here’s what women have experienced applying this ancient wisdom:


Ended 15 years of chronic genetic depression
"Misa has brought a powerful new healing tool to the world…the most powerful technique I have encountered in 35 years of healing and transformative work…the shift takes place in such a subtle and magnificently potent way that you never expect the outcome to be so swift or easy." —Ariann Thomas,


Physical and emotional wellbeing

"I’ve been able to heal those rattling emotions to a point my physical body is improving. My mental abilities to process information is improving. My vision is getting better. My pain has decreased significantly. And I’m just much more calm in life. I feel I’ve been able to cultivate a peacefulness within my heart that is so steady now and so present that no matter what is happening I just don’t get triggered anymore and I feel so empowered." —C



Join me for the Transcend Emotional Trauma: 3 Secrets to Unshakable Love master class:

I’m honored to support you in breaking free from emotional trauma so you can live in the joy of unshakable self-love!


Holding you

PS Who do you know who would like to join you on this journey? You can invite them here: