Subject: The Unshakable Self Love Retreat

Ending emotional overwhelm and awakening your power

Dear Friend,

It’s pretty difficult to get through life these days without experiencing some kind of trauma, and when we do, it has a way of affecting us for years. 


I meet with people regularly who have been struggling with trauma for the better parts of their lives. 


As a result of trauma they experienced as children or as adults, they frequently feel absolutely overwhelmed with the thoughts and emotions flooding their minds and hearts. 


It’s hard to get excited about your life when you feel mentally and emotionally overloaded.


Add to that, the craziness of the world right now and you’ve got an understandable recipe for just wanting to withdraw from everything.

But I’ve been struck by something astounding lately—the number of women with traumatic pasts who are actively choosing to embrace love for themselves in their commitment to healing.


I’ve been so touched by the women I’ve been meeting the past few months, I decided to create a special retreat for women like you—who are dedicated to experiencing the all-accepting love that heals us. (More about it below.)


For decades I’ve helped women who (because of their earlier traumatic experiences):


  • Didn’t know how to love themselves—finally experience it

  • Couldn’t feel the love of their family or friends—finally feel it

  • Hadn’t experienced genuine sustainable love with a partner—finally enjoy it

  • Wondered what Divine love was all about—feel it for the first time

It all starts with learning how to quiet down those noisy, negative thoughts in our minds. It opens wider as we cultivate our spiritual capacity for compassion—starting with ourselves. 


And it deepens as we discover the practices that helps us sustain our commitment until the doors of self-love open wide.


I’ve been so inspired by the women I’ve been meeting, teaching, coaching and supporting, I put together a brand new 2-day immersive experience—the Unshakable Self Love Retreat: Ending Emotional Overwhelm and Awakening Your Power.

During our virtual weekend together, I take you into both masculine and feminine practices for quieting your mind and calming your emotions, so your true power in Divine self-love can rise naturally.

You can learn more about it here:   

Since so many of us seem to be experiencing a heat wave right now, it seems like the perfect time to create a cool room and join me for 2 days of virtual, on-line experiences in inner awakening.  😊


If you are committed to ending emotional overwhelm and awakening your power I’d be honored  to guide you and Hold space for you in your sacred journey of unshakable self-love!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Take advantage of the deep discount on the retreat, and then invite a friend to join you as your guest. These kind of experiences seem to be even more special when they are shared with sisters we love!