Subject: Ending Trauma Cycles and Claiming Your Power

When old cycles end, something beautiful emerges

Hi Friend!

When I realized I had been traumatized as a child, even though I couldn’t remember the trauma itself, I decided I was going to do everything in my power to heal—not only for my sake, but for the children I wanted to bring into the world.


I didn’t want any other person to go through the pain I was experiencing if it could be avoided. I figured if I remembered what happened to me—fine. But even if I didn’t remember, I decided that by healing my emotional pain, I was putting my stake in the ground for an end to childhood abuse.

Well, as it turned out I didn’t give birth to any children, but over the years I’ve been able to hold space, in ceremonies and in classes, for women choosing to put an end to trauma cycles in their families. 


More than once, I have heard, “It stops with me!” and I have been so grateful and honored to be able to hold space for such courageous women.

What I couldn’t’ have imagined was that healing the trauma created an opening to my divine purpose. The more I no longer lived in reaction to the past, the more I was living in my true nature and sacred power. 


Looking back all those years ago, I was on fire. I opened a consulting firm and within months had a contract with county corrections that gave me an opportunity to cocreate a project for reducing recidivism for women in prison.

We created a novel program that got women exactly what they needed in order to be successful in:


  • ending trauma patterns

  • qualifying for good paying jobs and career tracts

  • getting the childcare they needed and

  • creating new lives in which they were excited to get up every day 


It was successful enough to become a model program used by corrections programs around the country.


I was soooooo proud! And sooooo on purpose. Not in a million years would I have imagined I’d be doing that!


I’ve watched numerous women do the same thing. When the abuse cycle is no longer playing out, a woman naturally thrives!

She uses her talents and skills in service to others in ways she hasn’t even imagined yet. 😉


The first weekend in August I’m facilitating an women’s event—Unshakable Self Love Retreat: Ending the Cycle of Trauma, Awakening Your Power.


Stay tuned for more details and set aside August 6 and 7 so you can attend. Enrollment opens next weekend. 😊

Holding you in my heart and songs

Sound Healing Sale

If you are feeling anxious about everything going on in the world, check out Misa’s recorded Sound Healing Session for Anxiety and Stress Relief. Get ready for some transformation, because these sounds move stuck emotional energy!


Find out more about it here. It’s on special for 50% off:

Holding for Healing Recording

If you weren’t able to attend this week’s live Holding for Healing, you can watch it on Misa’s YouTube channel here:

Upcoming Full Moon Healing Water Ceremony for Awakening Women

If you aren't receiving monthly invitations yet, join like-hearted women from around the world in Misa's online Full Moon Ceremonies. 

Here you activate your spiritual gifts in service to yourself and others as, together, we Hold and bless the world.

The next Women’s Ceremony is July 13 at 5:00 pm PDT. Our theme is The Sacred Power of Self Acceptance.” We'd love to include you.

Get your monthly invitations here:

New Film—When Sparks Ignite

Catch pearls of wisdom from Misa in the new movie, When Sparks Ignite, which is still available for free streaming at select times through Monday. Check your recent emails for one with the subject line: “Easy steps for watching Sparks film.” Jeffrey created some simple steps to follow for watching the film on the More U channel at Plex network.


In When Sparks Ignite you experience personal stories and life wisdom from Dr. Larry Dossey (NYT bestseller; Oprah), Barbara Dossey (author, holistic nursing), Dr. Jacob Lieberman (phototherapy, TEDx), Stephan A. Schwartz (consciousness research, Smithsonian), Sedena and George Cappannelli (PBS Ageless Living Series) and of course, Misa.

Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!