Subject: Importance of Being Remembered – One of the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul


My husband and I saw the Disney/Pixar movie, Coco, last weekend. We both laughed and cried. We are in many ways, still kids inside. (Don’t worry, there is no need for a spoiler alert with what I’m about to share.) ;)

Many themes in this movie touched, but perhaps what affected me most was how beautifully it told the story about the importance of being remembered after we have crossed over to the other side.

Being remembered by those you love is the last and 10th Emotional Need of the Soul, as given to me by my ancestors.

I used to believe that our memorial services and tributes to those who have crossed over were really only for those of us who remained living here on earth.

But I have discovered, being remembered is important for those who cross over. Loved ones long to know what difference they have made during their lives here on earth.
Therefore the kind words we say about our loved ones after they die, and the warm and memorable stories we share, matter to them.

Of course, each life has its lessons. Some of us learn them well. Others of us struggle to learn. But inside each person lives a warm beating heart, and every person brings qualities with them. Most people have done something good in their lives worth noting.

Our legacies live on in the people we have loved. So remembering the positive gifts of those who have crossed over, reminds us to love well while we are here.

When we cross over, our guides and soul-family members waiting for us are interested in one thing—how well we have loved?

They don’t care about what we did, as in how much money we made, the trips we took or the jobs we held. They aren’t interested in the details of living our lives. Rather…

On the other side, our guides care about how much we loved while we were living our lives.

Did we love enough to make a difference in someone’s life?

Most of us want to love that much!

If you want to know that you will be remembered, the formula is simple.

Love and serve.

One of the ways you serve is to honor, with love, the lives of those who have left.

Though we miss seeing our loved ones here on earth after they have crossed over, our relationships with them live on. Our souls continue to travel and meet each other as we move through dimensions.

When relationships with our family members have been difficult, if we look deeply enough, we will find the heart of wounded a child inside them—a child who was looking for love.

One of the greatest acts of kindness we can offer when someone dies is to remember their good qualities, and send them on with love for their next part of their journey.
So here’s what it all comes down to. If we wish to be remembered well and leave our legacies, then there are two things for us to do now:

Remember the lives of others with compassion and love.
Love and serve the people that come into our lives.

As we focus on these two acts of love, we bring honor to our legacy and the legacies of others.

If you’d like to add your thoughts and comments about the Need to Be Remembered, or if there is someone whose life you would like to honor, you can do so here:

Holding you in beautiful memories and lifetimes of love,

Program of the Month
It’s that time of year, when Misa makes her readings available to you at her lowest price to help you get the most out of the New Year. Choose from three types of readings:

Life Path
Soul Journey

Readings make a great gift for loved ones as well as yourself!

Thank you Misa! I cannot recall another reading where I felt so deeply understood and loved – not just by you (though your energy is a blessing in itself) but also by the spiritually powerful energy you bring through with such truth and clarity. To feel loved and understood by that energy is truly a gift. —Andrea

Misa’s schedule fills quickly with these, so consider getting on her calendar sooner than later.

Sound Healing Session of the Month

Step into this season of peace with Misa's recorded Sound Healing session, Deep Peace.

Misa teams up with sound healer, Richard Bienvenu to take you to another plane of existence.

These amazing sounds r
evitalize and massage each of your etheric body's chakra energy centers and right into the cells of your physical body.

The effects last a long time… on the cutting edge… delicious. I felt Mother/Father God was nurturing me… I went really deep into my core… Such an incredible source of well-being and clear-headedness. I got out of my head and into my body. I felt very peaceful and had a big smile on my face for a long time afterwards… I was left empowered. I felt like one of those singing crystal bowls. —Lynn Vyfvinkel

It's a great holiday gift:

Heal the 10 Emotional Needs of the Soul—Live with Misa
Enjoy an easier time with family and friends who view life differently from you...

by meeting the underlying emotional needs that create frustration and tension.

Fulfill the unmet needs of your soul in this 3-month series (one session each week) with Misa.

You’ll be getting direct support from Misa in this live program as you navigate the holidays!

This one-time-only program is offered through Happivize. You can register to hear Misa’s interview and learn more about the program here.

The first 2 sessions are recorded and waiting for you!

Sign up now to learn more about this exciting live program.

This Week's Favorite Prescription from Heaven

Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital postcard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right. 

To your fulfillment!
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