Subject: How to make changes that count... October 2016 newsletter

Happy October, Friend!

How do you make changes that really make the difference for you in your journey?

If your changes aren’t getting you to what you most need, or if you don’t know how to sustain the changes you make, you end up back at the beginning, without making any progress.

When I healed the mold in my body, I knew I needed to get to the underlying emotional root behind the mold lodged in my sinuses and lungs. In my case, the story was betrayal.

I used The Holding guided meditation to clear all the emotional and spiritual layers of betrayal, which freed up my energy for complete physical healing.

I also knew the moment I started my healing diet, taking supplements, visiting the local salt room, receiving energy healing, cleaning the house, and using my sound medicine, these changes would only work if I stayed consistent.

My tendency is to get deeply involved in projects I’m working on, and instead of pausing when my body needs attention, I try to mentally tough things out. As a result, I don’t stop to take really good care of myself, and I suffer the consequences.
In fact that’s how I put into motion this past year’s mold and allergy healing.

I received the intuitive message that I needed to use my Immune Builder and Virus Defense recordings, and because I felt strong, I let myself get busy and didn’t add them into my daily routines.

Without warning, an unusually high number of pollens and molds in the area released at one time and I was down for the count.

So then, I had some healing work to do. Being a behaviorist, I knew one of the best ways to help myself be consistent with the changes I needed to make was to reinforce myself, in this case, whenever I chose my health over forging on ahead.

For me, that meant simply smiling and complimenting myself each time I stopped and put my healing first. I noticed when I felt better, and gave credit to my healthy choices.

Making changes that count happen when you:

1. Honor and heal the emotional cause behind the challenges you are experiencing
2. Identify the changes that will make the greatest difference for you
3. Create a system for reinforcing the changes you are making

I’m still learning how to be a sensitive woman in today’s toxic-heavy world. It’s humbling for me to write and teach about spiritual awakening and healing, and then let myself get sick.

However, I know, real insights come from both learning what to do and what NOT to do, without self-blame or self-judgment. ☺

So here’s the life lesson, I knew but didn’t apply, and I’m hoping you can benefit from it:

4. Get to know how your intuitive guidance works, trust it, and follow it.
Because I’ve suspended judgment, I’ve received many gifts in this recent journey, including spiritual awareness, visions, expansion of my sound medicine, new relationships, and some changes in behavior that will strengthen me for the rest of my life.

I’m getting stronger every day and loving the discoveries along the way, and that’s what I want for you.

Enjoy the free gifts and poetry, below. Use them to help you make choices that count!

Holding you as we make choices that count this October,

Make your choices count with these gifts and opportunities!

Coming Soon!
Misa’s new healing program is out of beta and coming soon, with over 72 questions and practices to take you into your intuitive wisdom, identify emotional roots behind conditions, identify changes that will work for you, and reinforce your best choices.

Enjoy the Poetry and Recording of On Children by Kahil Gibran
Chosen as our Prayer of the Week at Sacred Feminine Awakening, Gibran’s poetry (also set to music) speaks to the independent child-spirit within, who wants to be honored for the unique perspectives you bring to the world!

Beating the Odds - Gift for You
Identify 10 limiting beliefs that could be short-circuiting your healing with this free booklet from Misa.

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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