Subject: How the vagus nerve affects your physical and mental health

For gut, heart, brain, immune system and more

Hi Friend,

If you are addressing health issues—like gut, immune system or brain disorders—you deserve to know that you’ve got to optimize your vagus nerve function!

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the human autonomic nervous system. Its fibers connect to all of your body’s organs from the neck down (except the adrenal glands), making it the primary component of your parasympathetic nervous system. 

Playing a key role in areas such as heart rate, breathing rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, detoxification and more, optimal vagus nerve function is critical to maintaining one’s health and longevity. 

Low vagal tone has been linked to:

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia 

  • Heart disease 

  • Diabetes 

  • IBS/IBD/SIBO/leaky gut 

  • Autoimmune conditions 

  • Neurological conditions

  • Cancer

In this free Vagus Nerve 101 eGuide, you get strategies to increase your vagal tone. Plus you’ll get information on how you’ll know if you have low vagal tone and the connection between strong vagus function and a healthy immune system.

Plus you learn about the facts on polyvagal theory—the role of the vagus nerve in regulating emotion, social connection and fear response.

You can get immediate access to the Vagus Nerve 101 eGuide now:

I want the eBook

When you receive this gift, you also get a free seat to the online Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit taking place on August 16-22, 2021, with over 40 experts.

From the experts you’ll  learn how to activate the vagus nerve to rebalance your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health!

I’ll be there talking about using sound healing for emotional well being and improved vagal tone.

I look forward to you joining us. Here’s to your better health today!

Holding you in my heart and songs,