Subject: Holding for Healing Live Today

Please join us for this complimentary event

Hi Friend,

One of the great joys in my life is being with conscious women and men, committed to their journeys of healing and awakening.

And to me healing and awakening are exactly the same journey!

For the past 3 days I've been privileged to be teaching Secrets to Unshakable Love: Transcending Emotional Trauma to some amazing sisters and brothers.

Thank you for allowing me to share these ancient insights with you.

If you missed the sessions, so no worries. You can still catch the replays this weekend. (Just see below.)

And I hope you are opening your email early because today I'm facilitating a Live Holding for Healing! And yes, you are welcome to extend the invitation to your friends!

I'm keeping it short today, because it's been a long day and I'm tired. I'm writing to you Friday night. 😴

But I can't wait to see you tomorrow, Saturday, for some Holding for Healing! 🌞

As always, Holding you in my heart and songs,

Experience the Healing Power of This Ancient Feminine Wisdom for Yourself

In case you missed it, you can still watch the replays this weekend. If you are already registered, check your emails and click on any of the links to the replay page.

If you need to register, you can do that here and begin watching right away!

Holding for Healing - Free Event

Holding for Healing is open to women and men. 


Here's the Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 897 6928 5818

Passcode: 454643

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,89769285818#,,,,*454643# US (Houston)

+16699006833,,89769285818#,,,,*454643# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location

+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 897 6928 5818

Passcode: 454643

Find your local number:

Be sure to get on early because there are a limited number of seats on Zoom. ;)


It is offered by Misa’s non-profit Sacred Feminine Awakening, empowering the Divine Feminine in all of us.

Becoming Fierce - Live Retreat!

Are you are a woman who is ready to live fiercely—in powerful and heartfelt intensity?

This once-in-a-lifetime live event is specifically designed to take you into your next level of personal mastery with some of today's cutting-edge thought leaders in Feminine Empowerment.

Work with Misa in person in the beautiful retreat destination of Estes Park, Colorado for this one-of-a-kind powerhouse event. (By the way, this is the only physical event on Misa’s schedule this year.)

For those of you who want to change the world, the event is being filmed!

There are only 26 spots available, so be sure to check it out right now and claim your place in the circle!

Today's the last day to get $500 off, so check it out now. Use this coupon code at checkout: ICHOOSEME

Finding Love Summit

Join Dr. Julie Shafer, and discover how to:

  • live and love fearlessly

  • create deep and lasting intimacy

  • navigate conflict and intimacy

  • attract a healthy, sustainable relationship

  • and more.

You can still get in!

Ancestors Within Interview

I've got a new book coming out, Ancestors Within: Recognizing and Embracing the Gifts of Your Origins where I share the story about how the sacred ceremonial Mother Bowl and the ancient wisdom teachings and came to me.

If you've ever attended ceremony with me and wondered, you can hear the story here, along with two other authors with equally amazing stories about their connections with their ancestors.

(By the way, our own Ariann Thomas has a story in this book too! When you gat to YouTube, check out her interview too!

Prescriptions from Heaven

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

Share them with someone you love. 💗