Subject: Saturday Live! Holding for Healing Complimentary Session

Loving our bodies and spirits

Hi Friend,


You are invited to our next Holding for Healing this Saturday.

Together we travel into the Womb of Creation (our Yin energy) to experience its all-accepting, healing love. I hope you will join us!


Live Free Holding for Healing Meditation for Women and Men

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Sponsored by Sacred Feminine Awakening

By being there live, we will be able to energetically hold a space of loving support together.


If you go to Zoom and it is full, it will be available live on YouTube.


Links are below. 😊


I look forward to seeing you there and expanding our field of love and healing together!


Holding you in my heart and songs,

PS Please share this with those you love! 💖

Join Zoom Meeting

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Meeting ID: 897 6928 5818

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Come with your healing intention!