Subject: Getting to the subconscious beliefs that drive your life…

Hi Friend,

Have you ever made an assumption, only to find out later, that you really didn’t understand the full scope of a situation?

I certainly have.

As I have discovered with my own assumptions, and as Don Miguel Ruiz helps us understand in “The Four Agreements,” assumptions about another person’s intentions and motivations are usually off the mark.

In my own journey with assumptions, I’ve learned that they can harm ourselves as well as others.

As a result, I know how important it is to access the deeper spiritual and emotional subconscious motivators that drive our lives.

For most of us, the beliefs and experiences lingering in our subconscious minds are actually motivating our decisions.

Here’s how it works. Even if you know this story already, see if you have some new insights about how this might be playing out for you.

Many years ago I was producing as much testosterone as a teenage boy. The question I finally asked myself was, “Why?”

What I discovered was that during a moment when I was sexually abused, I decided that when I grew up it was going to be safer to be a man than to be woman. And since abuse cycles often repeat, it would be safer not to have children.

So when my husband and I decided it was time to have a family, my female organs started to atrophy.

Even though my intention was to heal and feel well (and it was strong), the subconscious motivators to become male and be sterile were even greater.

The underlying motivator-belief-assumption was that it was safer to be a man or not have children.

My need for safety (and my view of what safety looked like) was greater than my intention to be well, and it is was driving me to physical illness and depression.

Of course, a desire for safety can be good, provided it plays out in a manner that is truly supportive of where you are now.

Assumptions play out through our emotions, mind, body, and spirit, as we unconsciously place all kinds of limits on what we can potentially do or experience.

In my own life and when I’m counseling people in regard to their healing or awakening, we search for the beliefs and assumptions that are operating in the background.

So how do you get to the assumptions—the subconscious motivators—so that you can address them?

One of the ways you can get to what is going on in your subconscious mind is to become a student of your dreams—sleeping dreams and daydreams.

Your dreams hold your subconscious messages and play them out repeatedly until you recognize them.

Once you recognize the assumption, you have something to work with.

The assumption is trying to get a need fulfilled. In my case it was the need to be safe.

If you don’t dream or remember your dreams, there are ways to stimulate them.

When you connect to your personal medicine wheel, you establish a profound relationship with your mind, body, spirit and emotions…

while simultaneously stimulating a deeper connection to your subconscious mind.

You can start today with this simple exercise.

  • Get out a piece of paper and draw a circle. Divide it into four quadrants. Write “spiritual” in one quadrant, “physical” in another, “mental” in yet another, and “emotional” in the last quadrant.

  • In each quadrant, write down your greatest strength. In the spiritual quadrant, write down or draw your greatest spiritual strength. In the physical quadrant, write down or draw your greatest physical strength. Continue through all four quadrants.

  • Return to the spiritual quadrant and this time write down or draw what you would like to strengthen. Do the same in the other three quadrants.

  • Be artistic with it if you like, using colors, symbols or numbers to help you deepen your connection to your medicine wheel.

Put your medicine wheel away for a few hours.

  • When you return to it, notice which quadrant jumps out at you. In that quadrant, notice your greatest strength and what you would like to strengthen.

  • Before you sleep, ask to connect to this strength in your dreamtime. Ask every night until you have a dream that shows you this strength.

  • Then do the same for what you’d like to strengthen in that quadrant.

  • Take note of what you discover in your dreams and apply that wisdom from your subconscious mind into your daily life.

This will give you a good beginning in using your personal medicine wheel to access your subconscious mind, and the assumptions and motivators that drive your life.

This exercise will also give you a good start in recognizing the strengths you already have to help you heal the assumptions and profound needs that have been buried in your subconscious mind.

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Personal Note from Misa about Healing Mysterious Illnesses
I personally believe it is helpful to address the body truly holistically—mind, body, spirit and emotions.

My strength is with spirit and emotions; however, there are some fabulous doctors in functional medicine also providing us with new insights and cures for mysterious illnesses.

Functional medicine is showing us that many of those unexplained symptoms are rooted in autoimmune diseases.

There are two docu-series that could be very helpful in providing a clearer understanding about how autoimmune diseases are created and what can be done. One is "Betrayal: The Autoimmune Solutions They're Not Telling You" and the second is "The Thyroid Secret".

These will provide a basis for some understanding about what is going on in your body.

Then I recommend finding a functional doctor to assist you with your specific needs:

Program of the Month
The dreamtime is the sacred realm of the Feminine. In its dark, cool womb, we create, explore, and recreate life. It is here where the mysteries of the unknown are Held until we are ready to receive them.

In Mystic Dreaming, Misa guides you into the sacred realms to discover your true nature as the dreamer of your life.

Find out what others have experienced and how this program works to help you uncover the language of your soul:

Misa taught from the heart, connecting us to unseen worlds leading to the Divine. I gained a new sense of power and purpose.  —J.N.
Sound Healing Session of the Month
By special request, the Sound Healing Session of the Month is Misa’s Cancer and Mold recording.

This is the session she created to address mold she found in her sinus passages. Subsequent research showed her that mold is at the root of some cancers.

I was diagnosed with 3 malignant spots on my lung... I started listening to Misa's Sound Medicine CD...I have been back [to the doctor] for 2 reviews now and I am still clear. I am still listening to the CD to maintain good lung health. —Anna Marie

Misa would say the true source of all healing is between you and the Divine, and it is great when healers and tools help us.

Be sure to share with friends and loved-ones, so together, we can help to end suffering.

Favorite Prescription of the Week
Prescriptions from Heaven are free daily reminders that there is a power living inside you—Heavenly power—able to transform your challenges into health, happiness and prosperity.

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you an ecard with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

To your fulfillment!
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