Subject: Getting Out of Overwhelm

and Enjoying the Life You Came Here to Love

Hi Friend,

I was talking with a client today, and like so many busy people in the world trying to take care of themselves and make a difference, she was exhausted and overwhelmed.


Those are feelings I’ve been all too familiar with, especially in my earlier years when I worked for non-profit or government-funded organizations. 


There was always so much to do and not enough time to get it all done. There were so many people in need, I couldn’t fathom when I was going to get to me. 


As you can imagine, I was always last on my to-do list. You might know the feeling.

No one expected me to be the superwoman I was trying to be. I was doing it to myself.


There are many reasons I put that kind of pressure on myself and it came from childhood modeling and traumas like:


  • Having a mother who was sick a great deal of the time

  • Being the oldest of six kids

  • Living with expectations to overachieve

  • Believing that being busy kept me away from traumatic experiences

  • And more


But as a young adult, I hadn’t yet learned how to face and change that pattern. So, the pattern drove my life.


With everything and everyone else coming first, my essential self was getting lost.


In the process of reclaiming my essential self, I discovered overwhelm isn’t really about the pile of laundry, our overflowing email inboxes, or the needs of our family or our jobs.

Overwhelm happens when we feel defeated. 

When a big part of you is feeling defeated, it’s really difficult to see what is important, like putting yourself first.


In an effort to find meaning, we try to satisfy everyone and everything that seems so important—all the while losing track of our first priority…


… to love and care for the Divine inside of you. 💖


Yes, of course, when a child is sick or upset and crying, they need to be taken care of in that moment. Or when there is an emergency, we may need to suspend our needs for a while.

But isn’t it interesting how we can get caught up in taking care of everyone else first—most of the time? Even when they don’t need or want it? 🤔


Here’s what I finally figured out and the mantra I recited to myself to start breaking the pattern:

If I’m truly going to be there for others in the best way possible, I needed to be there for myself in the best way possible.

Then, I got busy learning how to lovingly break the old trauma-based pattern with new practices.  🦋

In time, I came to teach the practices that worked best for me, and you’ll find key techniques inside my SHE Doorway to the Divine master class. I teach what I’ve discovered firsthand for myself, including how to:


  • identify and honor life-giving priorities rather than life-draining distractions

  • recognize codependent patterns born from trauma, so they can lovingly be released

  • awaken a deeper sense of self-value so that choices reflect love for others AND you

  • stimulate clarity so you can easily see what will serve you and others best

  • bring defeat and overwhelm to rest, so you can experience self-love and joy every day


I can tell you from experience, it is wonderful when you are no longer plagued by daily feelings of overwhelm. 🤗


Take a look at how the SHE Doorway to the Divine master class can help you release trauma-based overwhelm and claim a life that consistently fills you with calm and delight—and days you look forward to!


You can enroll at a significant discount for this master class through Tuesday, February 1.


I’d love to share with you the practices that have helped me and so many women get out of overwhelm and into lives they love!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Overcoming the Trauma of Overwhelm in SHE Doorway to the Divine

Are you ready to smile and laugh more often, have natural confidence, start living your dreams, attract compassionate people and partners, and heal?


You deserve to know what it’s like to live overwhelm-free. Take a look at Misa’s SHE Doorway to the Divine master class.


We’re doing a special enrollment right now at a discounted price. Seats are limited, so go there now to find out how it works:

See special section for men in this newsletter—below.


Here are just some of the stories of women’s experiences:


Stronger relationships in the midst of stress
I’ve been really aware of how I’ve built walls around myself to protect myself… (Now) I feel safe to let go of some of my doubts and fears. Through the day I am aware of the Holding and energy. And when we have a stressful situation coming up…it’s okay…I have a way of holding it now and mapping it. We can heal what needs healing in a very loving way. —Kate


Beyond the trauma

I was deeply traumatized in my mother’s womb and was afraid of being born, and grew up disconnected from mothercare and feeling safe, so these healings are of great value for me and feel indeed like a treasure, helping me heal. Thank you so much, I am so grateful. —T


Out of the chaos
"I realized that I had a way to change my life...moving from fear and worry to peace and joy…if you're living a life of chaos and worry...there is a way out; a way that's truthful and makes sense." —Susan

Gents… there’s a SHE Doorway to the Divine experience for you, too!

Misa has received several requests from men who want to do more than the recorded version of her SHE Doorway to the Divine Master Class. So…


… if there are 5 or more men who would like to take the Master Class Complete version, she’ll create a special version for men only, with regular group counseling and a retreat!


Just respond to this email, letting us know you are interested, and we’ll take it from there.

Transformation—When Your Life Is Cracking Open

When your life is cracking open…


… It seems like everything is falling apart. Maybe, life was just starting to get a little easier and suddenly things have gotten much harder.


A part of you believes something wonderful is about to happen. Another part of you is afraid your dreams will never come true. One minute you are crying and the next minute you are calm and seeing the sunshine.


And you aren’t exactly sure what is true and reliable any more. I know, there is a part of you that feels like closing down and hiding. Some days the pain and chaos seem unbearable. And yet, deep down you know this is your opportunity to step into a whole new way of living.


But how?

Prescriptions from Heaven Gift

Get your own daily Prescriptions from Heaven!

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital e-card with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

Sign up here and start getting yours tomorrow.

To your fulfillment!