Subject: Gently healing trauma…

You don’t have to remember or relive trauma to heal it

Hi Friend,

I get asked these questions frequently:


            Do you have to remember a trauma in order to heal it?

            Do you have to relive the trauma to heal it?


Both questions get the same answer from me… “Absolutely not.”


I know this because I healed the trauma of childhood sexual abuse without remembering it, and hence, without reliving it.

I remembered it after I had emotionally and physically healed from its affects. When I did remember, it came in a vision and my guide told me clearly it had happened (which helped me be at peace with my doubts).


If you know my story, you know that as a woman in my 20’s I was producing as much testosterone as a teenage boy. My body was responding to a deep-seated belief that it wasn’t safe to be female.


Did you know that the adverse events we experience in childhood puts us at higher risk for mental AND physical health issues when we get older? (National Institutes of Health)


After facilitating readings for 30 years about underlying causes behind client’s illnesses, I’m convinced that most traumas we experience as adults were predicated by something that happened to us when we were young children. 

We continue to play out the trauma in our beliefs, feelings, and bodies until we learn how to love the traumatized person inside of us. 

When you can feel the compassion, the wounded part of you melts away, and finally, you are free!

I spent years thinking I was just a slave to a life of abandonment, rejection and unworthiness—that could be traced to the trauma of my childhood.

So, you can imagine how relieved I was when I received a feminine pathway to awakening rooted in compassion that heals our deepest emotional wounds. 

Few of us get to that depth of compassion on our own without support. That’s why I created my SHE Doorway to the Divine Master Class.


When I created this master class from the ancient teachings that had been passed on to me, I made sure we immediately address the 3 primary woundings that cause us to disconnect from Divine love:






All other emotional wounds come from these primary wounds—and most of us experience them some time in our childhoods.

But we don’t have to live with them forever. I watch women every day discover just how much the Divine actually loves them, and in that love they reclaim their lives!

They smile and laugh more often, they have natural confidence, they start living their dreams, they attract compassionate people and partners, and they heal. 🦋

Our ancestors spent over 1,000 years developing this practice. They figured out what works. And then they made sure we would have access to it, when we needed it most—which is right now.

A lot of other pieces of your life fall into place with greater ease when the trauma is finally healed.

Freeing myself from the physical and emotional pain of trauma is one of the greatest gifts I’ve ever given myself, and that’s what I want for you. 

Every now and then I get a nudge from Spirit to make sure SHE Doorway to the Divine is more easily available to you. We do that by putting it on special, like we have right now. The deep discount period is coming to an end, so check it out and get in while seats are open. 😊

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Overcoming Trauma in SHE Doorway to the Divine

Are you ready to smile and laugh more often, have natural confidence, start living your dreams, attract compassionate people and partners, and heal?


You deserve to know what it’s like to live trauma-free. Take a look at Misa’s SHE Doorway to the Divine master class.


We’re doing a special enrollment right now at a discounted price. Seats are limited, so go there now to find out how it works:

See special section for men in this newsletter—below.


Here are just some of the stories of women’s experiences:


Stronger relationships in the midst of stress
I’ve been really aware of how I’ve built walls around myself to protect myself… (Now) I feel safe to let go of some of my doubts and fears. Through the day I am aware of the Holding and energy. And when we have a stressful situation coming up…it’s okay…I have a way of holding it now and mapping it. We can heal what needs healing in a very loving way. —Kate


Beyond the trauma

I was deeply traumatized in my mother’s womb and was afraid of being born, and grew up disconnected from mothercare and feeling safe, so these healings are of great value for me and feel indeed like a treasure, helping me heal. Thank you so much, I am so grateful. —T


Out of the chaos
"I realized that I had a way to change my life...moving from fear and worry to peace and joy…if you're living a life of chaos and worry...there is a way out; a way that's truthful and makes sense." —Susan

Gents… there’s a SHE Doorway to the Divine experience for you, too!

Misa has received several requests from men who want to do more than the recorded version of her SHE Doorway to the Divine Master Class. So…


… if there are 5 or more men who would like to take the Master Class Complete version, she’ll create a special version for men only, with regular group counseling and a retreat!


Just respond to this email, letting us know you are interested, and we’ll take it from there.

Take the Quiz: Are Feminine Healing Practices Right for You?

Have you tried everything to heal but you’re just not seeing the results you want?

Find out if feminine healing practices are right for you by taking Misa’s free quiz!

Gift—Holding Your Prayers

Every winter Misa and New Dream Foundation president Ariann Thomas go into a Holding ceremony for 3 days to Hold people around the world in need of deep, transformative healing.


If you, or someone you love, are in need of healing support, you are welcome to offer your requests between Saturday, January 22 and Monday, January 24.


Here’s how you do it:

  1. During that time, find a special place in your home to place a bowl of water, perhaps with flowers or a lighted candle next to it.

  2. Bless the water in your gratitude and love.

  3. Take a moment to reflect on what you are choosing to transform in your life and ask the water to Hold it for you.

  4. Misa and Ariann will access your prayers through the spirit of the water and bring them into their Holding.

  5. You might want to journal during this period of time, as you notice the subtle shifts of love and change.

Prescriptions from Heaven Gift

Get your own daily Prescriptions from Heaven!

Each weekday morning, Heaven will send you a digital e-card with a brief personalized inspirational message to start your day right.

Sign up here and start getting yours tomorrow.

To your fulfillment!