Subject: Getting Out of Emotional Overwhelm

What your critical voice needs from you

Hi Friend!

I remember those negative voices. Now, for the most part, they are like whispers in the past. But that wasn’t always the case.


You might have a few of those voices yourself. You know, the ones that tell you how inadequate you are?


They can be rough can’t they? They have a way of putting you right into emotional overwhelm—where you feel numb and can’t think clearly—all the while with some part of you believing they just might be right.


I remember feeling so overwhelmed and hopeless, I was entertaining suicidal ideas. 😔


Having spent years with young children, I noticed something about them. They don’t have those negative voices until someone accuses them (in some way or another) of being inadequate.

In other words, self-criticism is not a natural state. It’s a learned state.


And what can be learned, can be unlearned.


That’s when it’s time to put your mind into a training program.  


What the critical voice needs to know from you is that it’s not in charge anymore. In the Divine Feminine practices I teach, we call this position of power—becoming a woman of your choosing. 


There are ways to lovingly teach your mind what thoughts you will allow. It’s important that the training be a loving process, because those thoughts are usually connected to a wounded inner child.


Plus, we don’t want to inadvertently create more harmful energy when establishing boundaries within our own minds. 😉

In my upcoming retreat, Unshakable Self Love: Ending Emotional Overwhelm and Awakening Your Power, you will experience some clever ways to teach your mind how to let go of those critical thoughts.


(You may have noticed, the name of the retreat changed slightly, because ending the overwhelm empowers us to end the cycle of abuse.)


You learn how to redirect your negative mind in way that it can actually help you. And you discover how to set boundaries in a unique field of loving, yet strong, balanced feminine and masculine consciousness. 


I’m honored to share the ancient practices I’ve learned to help you put an end to emotional overwhelm, and awaken your power in unshakable self love.

Learn more here:

I hope you will join us. I’d love to see you there!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Sound Healing Sale

If you are feeling anxious about everything going on in the world, check out Misa’s recorded Sound Healing Session for Anxiety and Stress Relief. Get ready for some transformation, because these sounds move stuck emotional energy!


Find out more about it here. It’s on special for 50% off:

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