Subject: Free eBooks for Healing the Vagus Nerve

Over 57,000 people have downloaded them this week!

Hi Friend,

Did you you know the vagus nerve affects multiple organs in your body? The vagus nerve affects your gut, liver, heart, lungs, larynx, brain, and more.


If you are doing deep healing work, very likely your vagus nerve needs support!


Grab one or more of these ebooks about restoring nervous system health:


+ Vagus Nerve 101 eGuide
+ 4-Week Program to Strengthen Your Vagus Nerve and Boost Your Immune System
+ 3 Interview Transcripts from the Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit
+ Mind, Body & the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit Topic Tracks

(All these gifts are available when you register and get to the Thank You page.)


If you get your ebooks before the weekend, you’ll also receive an invitation to Dr. Eva Detko’s Mind, Body, and the Vagus Nerve Connection Summit Encore Weekend!

If you have already been attending the summit, be sure to catch the Encore!

Find a few minutes to learn from the “FAN FAVORITE” talks:

+ Biology of Belief, Bruce H. Lipton
+ Symptoms and Root Causes of Vagus Nerve Dysfunction, Dr. Navaz Habib
+ Foods That Lower Your Vagal Tone, Dr. Tom O’Bryan
+ Vagus Nerve Stimulation Session of the Day: Affirmational Havening, Dr. Eva Detko
+ Vagus Nerve Stimulation with Essential Oils, Jodi Cohen
+ And more!


I’ll be there talking about how to use Sound Healing to heal the vagus nerve.


Get the ebooks and then join us for the weekend by clicking here:

I want to register

I'll see you there.

Holding you in my heart and songs,


P.S. I encourage you to find time in your schedule to download these eBooks ASAP, since they disappear ON TUESDAY!