Subject: Is it enough to know...

In healing and manifestation, how much information do you need to see change?

Hi Friend,

There was a time in my life when I thought that understanding the root of the problem was all I needed to turn things around.


I’d tell myself to remember not to behave or think in a way that exacerbated the problem—pleased that I finally knew what I needed to do. 


Then I would be really frustrated when I continued to fail to make a change.


That method couldn’t possibly have worked because I wasn’t clear about where I was going or how I was going to make the change—or how I was going to reinforce myself to stay with the new program.


It was only years later, when I was teaching children, that I realized it takes a whole lot more than just knowing the problem to change embedded patterns.

When it comes to healing or any act of manifestation, it can absolutely help to understand the true nature of the problem or limitation. But we need more. We also need:


1.     To know how to release the limiting belief and its emotional charges 

2.     A motivating new belief with a clear direction 

3.     Specific steps to take in order to make the shift

4.     To determine how to reinforce the change to keep us on track


There are two places in this process where most of us need help:


1.     Understanding exactly what and how to release. It’s difficult to recognize the nuanced thoughts and feelings that have been keeping us stuck for years! 

For example, we are often taught it is important to “feel our feelings.” While it’s true you don’t want to ignore your emotions, replaying pain from the past has a way of making you feel worse! Have you been there? Me too. That’s because there is a specific way to be with feelings that actually releases them.


2.     Knowing what steps to take. If we haven’t headed in our new direction before, we might not know exactly what steps to take. So, we end up trying out all kinds of things—some of which work and a lot that don’t. While we can eventually get where we want to go, it can be a slower route. (I know this from experience. LOL!) 


That’s why I love tried-and-true ancient practices. 


And that’s why I love to teach them too—because the changes we are looking for happen a lot more quickly when we have the support of proven approaches.


In my SHE Doorway to the Divine master class we dive deeply into how to use the Holding Meditation and other ancient practices to release pain (emotional and physical) so you can finally enjoy your relationships and fulfill your purpose.


The Holding is wonderfully simple, yet it’s incredibly deep and flexible. The ancient feminine teachings that come with the practice will help you get more from it than you could have ever imagined.

Find out why people around the world are taking this course and finally getting beyond life-long problems.

Guys, this isn't just for women. The video version of the course is available to you!


For a short time, you can still register for SHE Doorway to the Divine at a deep discount, so check it out now—below this letter.

It’s so exciting to see people being happy and fulfilled, creating lives of their choosing! I can’t wait to see you there.


SHE Doorway to the Divine Special

SHE Doorway to the Divine is available at a super discounted price for the next few days.

Here’s what people are experiencing:

Physical and emotional wellbeing
"I’ve been able to heal those rattling emotions to a point my physical body is improving. My mental abilities to process information is improving. My vision is getting better. My pain has decreased significantly. And I’m just much more calm in life. I feel I’ve been able to cultivate a peacefulness within my heart that is so steady now and so present that no matter what is happening I just don’t get triggered anymore and I feel so empowered." —C


Out of the stress
"When we have a stressful situation coming up…it’s okay…I have a way of holding it now and mapping it. We can heal what needs healing in a very loving way. " —Kate


Ended 15 years of chronic genetic depression
"Misa has brought a powerful new healing tool to the world…the most powerful technique I have encountered in 35 years of healing and transformative work…the shift takes place in such a subtle and magnificently potent way that you never expect the outcome to be so swift or easy." —Ariann Thomas,


Out of the chaos
"I realized that I had a way to change my life...moving from fear and worry to peace and joy…if you're living a life of chaos and worry...there is a way out; a way that's truthful and makes sense." —Susan

Learn more about how SHE Doorway to the Divine is transforming lives, and check out Misa's special discount just for you:

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Coronavirus Sound Healing Gift

If you are concerned about the Delta variant of the Coronavirus, this recorded sound healing session will support you. If you have it already—awesome! If you don’t have it yet, you can download it here for free!


It’s Misa’s gift to you during this powerful time of healing!

You are welcome to share this with those you love!

The Truth About Running a Business While You Are Healing

Recently, Misa had a wonderful conversation with Sharon Wilson on The Spiritually Persistent Entrepreneur podcast.


They explored The Truth About Running a Business While Healing.


During the interview, Sharon asks Misa whether it's a good idea to stop doing your business stuff to pursue healing and shamanic work?


Find out what she recommends:

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Prescriptions from Heaven — Gift

Get these complimentary, colorful and inspiring prescriptions in your email every weekday. Start out your day with a little love from Heaven!

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