Subject: Free Live Event: A Woman’s Path to Awakening 🌈❤️

Going From Resistance to Flow


Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force. —Lao Tzu

Hi Friend,

Flow is actually our natural state… and what keeps us from regularly experiencing life’s organic flow is our learned resistance.


We intuitively know that it is possible for what we want to come easily to us. But why does it seem so hard to actually do it?

By choosing to move into higher levels of consciousness and awakening, we learn how to gently release resistance, so we can naturally enter into the greater state of ease, joy, and flow—that we yearn to live in.


It doesn’t have to be hard, and we don’t have to relive the pain of our past—when we know how. 


In my upcoming free event, A Woman’s Path to Awakening: Unleash Your Power and Freedom, I’ll introduce you to the 5 Steps of feminine awakening and… 


… how these steps become sacred keys that women need to:


  • Let go of the cycle of overwhelm and anxiety, freeing you to fulfill your destiny

  • Heal what feels unhealable, so you can get your vitality back

  • Create a safe inner sanctuary, so you can let go of people pleasing and attract lasting, happy relationships

  • Release empathic pain for others, allowing you to feel the joy you came here to experience

  • Open up your inner portal for stimulating financial flow while you leave your unique legacy

  • Release family patterns so you can make clear, confident decisions


Join me for my free event (back again by popular demand ;) …


… and discover the ways this proven ancient feminine pathway carries you into flow—where you are truly creating the life of your choosing.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Free Event

Join Misa and discover the 5 Steps of Feminine Awakening that carry you into a life filled with flow, ease, and joy.


March 6, 7 and 8, you receive 6 hours of training, across 3 days that will take you into what it means to be a woman of your choosing.


The class is free, but eats are limited, so register now:

What women are experiencing:


I feel like I grew leaps and bounds and touched upon something deeper in me than ever before while under Misa’s guidance. Misa’s approach made the experience feel like there was no ‘problem’ in me that need fixing. Instead, there were only discoveries of all my unique gifts and strengths and how to use those to my advantage. —Andrea


My resistances against Self melted away in the safe and loving space Misa held for me. Misa’s knowing comes from a deep, deep place. I’ve never felt as understood or heard as profoundly as in my sessions with Misa. Her gentle yet powerful guidance allowed me to finally start truly forgiving myself and others and move into spacious love and peace. —Celine

Gift! Holding Meditation

With this ancient meditation in the Sacred Feminine, women have healed depression, overwhelm and anxiety, finally feeling truly wanted and accepted.

Tens of thousands of people in over 109 countries have downloaded this meditation and we hear regularly about relief from life-long emotional and physical pain.

This simple, yet profound and proven meditation gives you a new excitement for life!

Get immediate access to the mediation here:

Prescription of the Week

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