Subject: Do you feel as though you haven’t arrived, even though…

Hello Friend,

Do you feel as though you haven’t arrived, even though you have been deeply committed to your personal and spiritual development?

I spent years looking for some moment that defined my life as having arrived.

Even after several profound mystical experiences and healings, I was still searching for the moment.

Then one day when I was really sick and doing some personal energy work on myself, I saw how opening up this energy inside of me helped everyone connected to me. I saw how it touched the greater consciousness of humanity.

In that moment I realized my healing was my sacred work. I understood there was no moment that needed to arrive. There was only the choice to be present or to be distracted.

This concept flows into my daily life now. There is a time to sit and be present to another—loving them in everything they are experiencing.

There is a time to do the dishes in gratitude for their service, a time to bless my supplements as they help my body become stronger, or to appreciate my husband for his humor.

Life is far more enjoyable when I realize I have already arrived, and I get to be stimulated by the next great desire that will take me into even more adventures for practicing loving presence.
Tomorrow I leave to facilitate a woman’s vision quest. I have the privilege of Holding sacred space for her so that she can go deeper into experiencing her own “arrival” with herself.

While it is very powerful to prepare oneself and go into such sacred space for three days out on Mother Earth, alone with the Mother herself and her beautiful creatures, it is also powerful to create daily ritual for recognizing how you are being called to arrive in your life right now.

What would you discover if you contemplated this question: “How could I arrive in my life right now?

I wonder what the Mystery will reveal to you?

Holding you in my heart and songs,
Sound Healing CD of the Month
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Private Counseling with Misa
For over 30 years, Misa has been helping people turn their deepest desires into reality through quests, retreats, and private counseling.

This month only, she's offering some special gifts. Discover how private counseling can help you create the quality of life you've been longing for.
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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