Subject: 4 Tips for Accessing Power from Beyond

 Hi Friend,

We come into this world with a lot of help from the other side, but understanding how to access that help can be confusing, and even frustrating.

For reasons I don’t truly yet understand, my life has been blessed with visitations and help from beautiful beings on the other side of the veil and precious beings right here living with us.

I’ve learned a few things about accessing power from beyond to help me in my journey, and want to offer some ideas about getting help when you need it. 
Getting help is part of what we need in order to create the stories we want to be living in!

Help can come through dreams, insights in meditation, intuitive impulses, creative expressions, visitations, and synchronistic events.

Here are 4 things I’ve learned about receiving help from the spirit world—whether you want help from your angelic guides, plant devas, animal totems, crystal spirits, the elements, family ancestors or masters:

1. Give Before Asking
Giving alms is an age-old practice. I saw this premise of giving before asking depicted on the walls of temples in Egypt. As you might know, many of the carved and painted reliefs on the walls of significant building in Egypt told stories.

This is one of the stories you can see played out in the reliefs. Before a person requested the aid of a god, priest or priestess of a temple, they brought an offering.

In today’s world, when you ask for help from someone, you go prepared to pay them for their service. This same exchange of energy exists with the masters and spiritual guides you want help from. Of course, not in the form of money, but in the form of honor and service to one another.

It’s wise and sweet to offer something before you ask. Sing a song, make an offering of food, write a poem, or bless them. Get still for a moment, and feel heart-felt appreciation. The best offering is expressed as love and gratitude for them.

You are nurturing a relationship and one of the best ways to begin a good connection is to honor the other being.

2. Ask for Guidance and Assistance
Earth is a kind of DIY (do-it-yourself) experiment. You came here to learn something and apply it. It’s not any other being’s job to do your job for you, because that would be robbing you of what you wanted to discover.

When you are clear about that, you are ready to make a request from the guides and spirit-world beings that would love to help you succeed.

Consider asking for help and guidance rather than asking a being to fix your problems for you. Asking for guidance and energetic support allows them to more easily be of service to you, as you take responsibility for your acts of creation.

3. Open Up
If you ask with clear intention, but your fears have closed your energetic doors, spiritual beings are not going to come barging in. The more open and receptive you are, the more they can help. Sometimes, that support includes direct energy assistance, but keep in mind that most of the time help is going to come in the form of guidance.

4. Follow Through
If you ask for help and receive guidance, honor the message you received by following through. If you want help in the future, your follow-through is a prerequisite. When a spiritual being steps in to help you, honor them and yourself by taking the action they recommend.

If you don’t see the results you wanted, you may have misunderstood something.

Ask for clarification and be willing to receive some insights for course correction—either directly from them, through your dreams, or through synchronicities in your life.
If you want some direct help in learning how to know and work with your various guides, including plants, animals, ancestors, and spirits from different dimensions, check out my Mystic Dreaming audio course (below).

The steps in this program are the ones my elder walked me through to open me up to guidance from the other side. Now it’s your turn!

Holding you in my heart and songs,

Mystic Dreaming
Discover new ways to access your spiritual guides and follow your calling with Misa’s Mystic Dreaming audio course.

I discovered how aware I was of my own calling and how important it is to acknowledge it. Whatever I need to do, I know now I will follow my intuition and fulfill my purpose.” —Karen

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