Subject: 🙂 Last Day for Women of Power of Spirit

Hi Friend,

In case you missed the newsletter yesterday, this is a loving reminder that today is the last day to get into the Women of Power and Spirit group mentoring circle for 50% off.

Hope you will join us.

Holding you in my heart and songs,

The Joy and Freedom of Feminine Empowerment in Living Your Destiny

The Women of Power and Spirit Gold Circle (gold for expansion) gives you a place where you discover how to access and use your Sacred Feminine energy to fully empower your life.

Dive deep with me in 2 live group mentoring calls every month to: 
  • Release painful emotions and beliefs you have carried for years
  • Transform relationships from strained to happy
  • Attract healing, people, opportunities, your purpose, and prosperity
  • Find the freedom to create the life of fulfillment and joy that you choosing
You also receive twice monthly recordings of exercises and special Holding meditations that I create for you to address and overcome obstacles—and awaken your spiritual gifts and guidance—as you reconnect with your own Divine nature.

The Women of Power and Spirit Circles are currently 50% off when you use this coupon at checkout: circle50

Given the quality and power of the sessions, it’s an amazing discount. This special rate ends on Sunday, May 31. Once you get in, the monthly group coaching rate is locked in for life!

Check it out here right now… and I look forward to seeing you in circle!

In Holding I experienced new perspective and insight about my true abilities, my inner wisdom and my personal relationship with the Divine. As a result, I am more emotionally in balance, my life seems to have a flow to it and I am beginning to feel the deep inner strength and confidence in making the best choice in every moment.
G. Z., Australia

… I am feeling results in my body, a new sense of peace that stays within me for longer periods. Being overstressed for years and years it feels good to learn to rest within myself. I was deeply traumatized in my mother's womb and was afraid of being born, and grew up disconnected from mothercare and feeling safe, so these healings are of great value for me and feels indeed like a treasure, helping me heal. Thank you so much, I am so grateful. —T

To your fulfillment!
, 3278 S. Wadsworth Blvd. 1-132, Denver, CO 80235, United States
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