Subject: Producers wanted

Daily encouragement for men of faith
“You will know them by their fruits”

~ Matthew 7:16 NKJV
What are your actions saying about your walk with Christ?

Imagine a world where no words were ever spoken and the only way to truly know a person is by observing their works.

Now realize this is the world we live in today. 

Though words are often spoken, it is the actions of men that define their character. 

The same is true for those who claim to be followers of Christ but their hearts are far from keeping the commands of the word. 

They profess their faith when it’s convenient or beneficial to them.
But their actions speak another language.

Unfortunately, these are the models that society is forcing down the throats of our women and children.

Men whose verbal claims are in direct conflict with the fruit they are producing.

Do not be deceived.

God’s calling to his Kingdom Men is twofold. First, is to produce fruit by putting the Word of God into action. Second, is to hold all men accountable for the fruit they produce…then judge them accordingly.

Bishop Dale C. Bronner says this about action…

“When you works speak for you, don’t interrupt.”

The ultimate measure of a man will be the work that he accomplished for Christ while he was on this earth.

Words will eventually be forgotten and emotions will fade. However, everything you do for Christ will live on and continue to produce the fruit it was intended to.

What fruit are your actions producing?

Lets pray…

“Lord, I rebuke the spirit of laziness and idleness in my life right now. I am a kingdom of Christ ambassador and you have called me to do a great work on earth in your name. It is for that reason that I cannot afford to be persuaded by the world and the rotten fruit it produces. You have called me to put your word into action and marvel at the fruit it produces. Today I receive that call in Jesus name. Amen.”

Action produces fruit. Remind a friend...
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