Subject: It's the thought that counts

Proverbs 23:7 - It's the Thought That Counts

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” 
(Proverbs 23:7 KJV)

by Chris

I used to think this statement was a copout for giving a terrible gift.

Or an excuse to not spend a lot of money on a gift.

While people have used this saying for both cases, the premise behind the saying is very powerful.

Before anything came into existence it was first a thought in the mind of the Lord. God saw, thought, and created in that order. He saw Adam alone, thought man should have a companion, created Eve.

You see this pattern throughout the bible. Our minds possess the power to create whatever reality we internalize as truth.

God has given us all the ultimate gift of life. However, it is the thought that counts. How we think to use this gift is more important than the gift itself.

There have been countless people that have wasted this amazing gift of life simply because of a faulty thought process. On the other hand, there are men that have accomplished great things with the gift of life due to their strong thoughts.

What thoughts do you have about yourself and your future? Do they line up with the promises of God, or fall in line with doubt and disbelief?

Brothers, every reality that you see has first began with a thought. If you don’t like the results in your life change the thought process that produced them.

The only thoughts that really matter in our lives are the ones God has for us. Through prayer, devotion, and faith He will make those thoughts known to us.

Adapt those thoughts as your own and your reality will follow.

Lets pray...

“Thank you for our minds Father. I pray for a daily renewing of every mind reading these devotionals. That they may accept more of the reality that you have predestined for us and not what the world or our circumstance may say. Lord help us to activate our faith with the thoughts of prosperity you have given to us. We know if we can believe it, we will see it. Grant every heart in despair a double portion of hope. Reveal to them what you have called them to be and not what they believe they currently are. Lord teach us to long for and value only your thoughts towards us. For they are the only thoughts that count. In Jesus name we pray...Amen”

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