Subject: Hearts of men Pt. 2

Proverbs 4:23 - Hearts of Men Pt. 2

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23 NIV)

by Chris

Fathers, if you could imagine your first born child. How precious and innocent they are when they are introduced to the world.

How cute everything they do is. From smiling to pooping, everything is just so adorable.

Remember how helpless they are? Lacking fully developed muscles they cannot hold their head up. Dependent on milk because their bodies cannot yet tolerate whole foods.

Yet the reigning thought in the mind of every man is “protection”. How to protect your child from household dangers as well as dangers of this world?

The longevity of their life is connected to our ability to protect.

Our hearts are the same way. They need protection.

We must be strict gatekeepers of what we allow in. We must be extremely critical of what beliefs we chose to internalize as truth.

Filled with the right contents and your heart will be your most powerful ally when it comes to reaching the lost, extending grace to strangers, forgiving those who have wronged you, and living a holistic life in Christ.

Brothers, invite God to help you guard your heart, the wellspring of your soul, today.

Walking in God’s purpose for our lives is what we live for. It all starts with the heart.

Lets pray...

“Father we invite you into our hearts today. We are prepared to allow you to remove any bitterness, anger, doubt, fear, and hurt we may be harnessing. We understand that hurt people, hurt people and are relying on you Father to heal and repair the broken areas of our heart. Let grace, love, joy, forgiveness, honor, and love be abundant in our hearts. So that all men can see clearly from the outside the work you are completing on the inside. In Jesus name...Amen”

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