Subject: God alone

Romans 3:3-4 - God Alone

“What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar.” (Romans 3:3-4 NIV)

by Chris

I am so glad God’s faithfulness does not rely on my actions towards Him.

God is so good that no matter how we act, His faithfulness towards us remains the same. The faithfulness of God remains in full effect even if we do not believe.

There are not many people in the world that would continue to give to a person who didn’t express some form of gratitude or loyalty in return. Most people would simply cut these kinds of people off.

God’s approach is different. God doesn’t care how you respond; since He said He would do it...He’s gonna do it.

He puts the value of His word and promise higher than any disbelief or unfaithfulness we may exhibit towards him. He simply is not bound by the limitations and disbelief of man.

Can you imagine the difference your relationships would have if you took this approach more often?
No matter what somebody does in return you decide to remain faithful to God's word and extend grace anyhow.

God is the perfect example of a made up mind and a commitment to keeping His word. He cannot, will not, be swayed from who He is because of the actions of others.

Thank you Lord for being such an amazing example!

It is so comforting to know that even if everybody walked out on God, He would remain faithful. Always giving and ready to receive us with open arms.

We serve a God who needs no help being who He is. He is God alone.

With or without us He remains on the throne.

Lets pray...

“Lord you are the ruler of our souls. Your faithfulness to us and commitment to your word is unimaginable. The depth of love you continue to show to the world is simply amazing. Lord we desire to be like you. We are striving for it. When our flesh gets in the way, let us think about the faithfulness of God. How it’s always extending and never withdrawn. Show us how to continually extend grace and mercy towards others inside the family of faith and out. Let our word be cemented in love regardless of how others react or receive it. We pray these things in Jesus name...Amen”

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