Subject: [Devotional] - Real sacrifice

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Real Sacrifice

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,” (Colossians 3:23 NKJV)

by Chris

If you are reading this devotional and you have served our country in the United States Armed Forces…I honor you today.

I’ve never served our country in such a capacity, but if I were to this scripture would definitely be the cornerstone in which I served on.

Christ laid his life down for all mankind. Very few of us would lay our lives down for our own family.

These soldiers, however, make a daily sacrifice and put their lives on the line so that we can experience freedom, safety, and peace.

And they do it unselfishly for millions of people they will never meet or know. They do it to protect a country that affords us the freedoms we so often neglect or abuse.

But they still fight for us.

I am amazed and truly humbled by such a sacrifice.

For every family that has lost a family member in service, my deepest prayers and condolences go out to you today.

For every family that sacrifices seeing their loved one(s) daily so they may fight for our country…thank you.

For every soldier that has lost a friend, family member, body part, or mental peace…thank you greatly for your sacrifice.

I know Christ is pleased with you, as I am as well.

So today in honor of such a great sacrifice…


Lets pray…

“Father thank you for the heart of every woman and man that is serving or has served in the US Armed Forces. Comfort the families that have lost loved ones. Let their children feel their love from a far. Thank you for the courage they display by sacrificing their life to help protect ours. Lord, reward such a great sacrifice in a way no man can imagine. Give us all a heart of appreciation for these wonderful men and women of service. In Jesus Name…


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