Subject: [Devotional] Ready?

Genesis 3:9 - Ready?

Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” (Genesis 3:9 NIV)

by Chris

The fall of man caused Adam and Eve to go into self exclusion.

Through shame they hid themselves from God. As if God was not all seeing and all knowing.

When God asked Adam about his location it was for Adam to identify his position, not to inform God.

Whenever God asks us a question the answer is always for us to take an introspective look at ourselves.

So I ask...”Friend, where are you regarding the fast?”

Have you committed to jump on board and go deeper with your relationship with Christ?

I’ve chosen the ultimate sacrifice for this stage in my life.

As an entrepreneur God has blessed me with the opportunity to do what I love for a living. I have decided to fast from my business for an entire week and seek God’s direction and instruction for my life.

Ultimately this means I'm walking away from money. 

It won’t be easy but I know God will honor my sacrifice with great revelation and renewed faith to catapult me to the next level in Christ and my business.

If you want to fast but are unsure how to I have provided a "Fasting Guide" for you at the bottom of this devotional.

We will start tonight at 12am your local time. It’s not too late to jump on board. Make your commitment by replying “Yes” to this email.

You will not be alone. There will be a group of men sacrificing along side with you.

Lets decide to collectively blow our God away with our level of commitment to fasting and prayer this upcoming week.

It’s going to be powerful.

Lets pray...

“Father as we are nearing our time of consecration with you, I ask that you give us clarity in what areas we need to sacrifice to you. Do not let the enemy trick anyone into thinking they don’t matter. Every man on this devotional list is important to you, and you will honor each of our sacrifice. Strengthen us today for the road ahead Lord. Not our own might, but yours Father. We pray these things in Jesus name...Amen”

Click Here To Download Your Fasting Guide 

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