Subject: [Devotional] - On your mind

On Your Mind

“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” 
(Philippians 4:8 NIV)

by Chris

The power of our minds is truly amazing. I know we underestimate the ability God has given us through thought.

Christians, for some reason, tend to be the only ones who didn’t get the memo.

The world understands the power of what you dwell on in your mind just fine. That’s why we are bombarded with sexual images, fear of future devastation, hate, sexual immorality, and more.

The trick of the enemy is to get our minds off of everything listed in today’s scripture. Since you can’t dwell on both good and evil, the enemy is out to make you pick and choose daily.

Brothers, this may seem to simple but it is the truth…whatever you think about and believe WILL come true in your life. You just have to consistently dwell on these things.

Want to love your wife more…think about love. Daily.

Want a more prosperous life…think about helping others. Daily.

Want to be closer to God…think about His Word. Daily.

After you’ve trained yourself to think about these things daily your next step is to take action.

Remember faith without works is dead, and dead faith don’t work.

Lets pray…

“Lord today we offer you our minds. Renew them Lord. We have not given the power of thought the emphasis that you intended us to put on it Lord. We know when we couple godly thoughts with faith action mountains start moving, lives start changing, and your kingdom Is established. Renew our minds Father, in Jesus Name…


Have a blessed and safe weekend.

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