Subject: [Devotional] Driver's seat

Psalm 118:8 - Driver's Seat

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in people. “ (Psalm 118:8 NLT)

by Chris

When I was a child my family used to take summer trips to visit our relatives in Kansas.

My brother and mother would sleep most the time while I found myself looking over my Dad's shoulder at the road ahead.

I remember one day realizing that the fuel light was lit in the driver HUD. It appeared that we needed to refuel and there was no gas station in sight.

Just as I began to worry we came up on a gas exit.

But my Dad kept driving.

My mind began to create all the worst case scenarios about being stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. I wanted to believe my Dad knew what he was doing but it appeared as if I might've out smarter him on this one.

I mean did he not realize the gas light has been on for the past few miles?!

Have you ever lost confidence in Gods navigation and felt you could do better behind the wheel? Almost as if there was a detail that God missed and you needed to take care of it for Him.

This is never the case, and God is always fully aware of our situation(s) in totality. As for my road trip...

We ended up arriving at our destination just fine.

Fast forward 25 years and I found my son and I in a similar situation.

I caught him questioning if we should stop and get gas as he peeked over my shoulder and saw the driver HUD gas light.

I couldn't help but think, "don't worry about what's going on up here, I got it".

I believe God thinks the same way towards us when we worry.

Even when we think "we got it", it is still Him who is in full control. Holding all things together for our good.

It is in Him that our confidence should remain.

Lets pray...

"Lord today we give you the wheel. When times look rough we rely on you that much more. When we think we can do it on our own...humble is Lord. As good as man can be at times our full confidence and trust remains in you Father. There is no place we would rather take refuge, but in your presence. Amen"

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