Subject: ACTION ALERT: Act Now for Rhode Island Raw Milk; Hearing April 10, 2024!

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Act Now for Rhode Island Raw Milk;

Hearing Is April 10, 2024!

Strength in Numbers

Dear Friend,

Rhode Island Senate Bill 2295 amends multiple sections of the state milk sanitation code that would allow for the sale of raw, unpasteurized and non-homogenized, milk in Rhode Island. Currently, the law does not permit the sale of raw milk to consumers

The bill will be heard in the Senate Committee on Environment & Agriculture on April 10th, 2024 at 4:30pm in the Senate Lounge at the State House. 

This is a bipartisan bill. The bill sponsors are John Burke (D),  Frank Ciccone (D),  Anthony Deluca (R),  Lou DiPalma (D),  Mark McKenney (D),  Elaine Morgan (R),  Thomas Paolino (R),  Gordon Rogers (R),  Sue Sosnowski (D),  and David Tikoian (D).


Action Step #1

Give a Written Testimony

How to Give an Effective Written Testimony: Testimony must include Your Name the bill number (SB 2295) with support of opposition.Written Testimony must be submitted prior to 3:00 PM on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in order for it to be provided to the members of the committee at the hearing and to be included in the meeting records. Please send testimony to Kelly LaChance, Guertin Committee Clerk at

Action Step #2

Testify in person. The bill will be heard in the Senate Committee on Environment & Agriculture on April 10th, 2024 at 4:30pm in the Senate Lounge at the State HouseSign-up to give testimony outside the committee room, unless otherwise noted on the agenda. Signs are not permitted in the committee hearing room.

Action Step #3

Spread the word! Send this Action Alert email to your RI friends, families, and customer list.


1.Senate Bill 2295 would increase consumer freedom of choice by allowing access to raw dairy products in RI.

2. Senate Bill 2295 would enable independent farmers to make a better living by removing restrictions on raw dairy and raw dairy products.

3.Senate Bill 2295 would keep more food dollars in local communities with the increase in locally-produced foods consumers can obtain.

Bills like Senate Bill 2295 increase #foodfreedom! Please join us and spread the word about the importance of fair food and farming legislation.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

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