Subject: The Best Damned Martial Arts Biz Newsletter is Back...


I hope you had a joyous and restful holiday season. Me? I spent a lot of time with my family, making memories and starting a few new family traditions. I also got plenty of rest and recharge time, but frankly I'm getting a little antsy and I'm ready to get back to work.

So, that's why I woke up early on my last day of vacation to share what's going on with the newsletter, blog, and podcast in 2017.

Let's begin with the Best Damned Martial Arts Business Newsletter (the "daily" part of Martial Arts Business Daily). 

For starters, I have some great ideas cooking for several new article series this year. Also, expect to see some minor format changes with the newsletter. 

I'll still be sending out in-depth article series like you're used to seeing, but not everyone has time to read those longer articles every day. So, I'll be alternating those longer articles with shorter, pithier messages as well.

Regarding the blog, you might have noticed a few changes lately. It was badly in need of a makeover, so I spent a few days over the holidays doing exactly that.* 

I hope you like the new look of the site. You'll be seeing me post a bit more frequently to the blog this year. Keep an eye on it each week for fresh content and tips.

Speaking of which, I'm firing the podcast back up again this year. 

One of the reasons I stopped publishing new episodes is because it took so much time to do. Typically, a single episode would take me one or two full work days to publish, which was a huge time commitment.

However, so many of you asked me when I was going to publish new episodes that I decided I'd better figure out how to podcast more efficiently. I've been working on a new system, and I should be ready to publish new episodes sometime in mid-January.

That's all the updates I have for today. I'll be back tomorrow with the first email in a new article series. Stay tuned!

Until next time,

Mike Massie

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- Looking for a list of books and resources I've written? Click here! 
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P.S. - *Those of you who have been on my newsletter list for a while know I talk about first impressions a lot, and your website is often where you're going to make a first impression with a new potential student. That's why you need to make it look as professional as possible. DiY sites are just not cutting it anymore. So, if your site is a do-it-yourself job, set aside some funds in 2017 and get yourself a professionally-designed site. Believe me, it'll pay for itself many times over in the months and years to come.
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