Subject: 45 New Trial Members in the Last Twenty Days?


I normally send out random fun stuff on Fridays, but then someone reminded me that I promised my newsletter subscribers a discount on my coaching group after the holidays.

Instead of telling you how great the coaching group is and what a wonderful and handsome martial arts business coach I am, I'm going to let my members describe the results they're getting in their own words.

These are actual quotes from yesterday's discussion thread in our private member coaching group on Facebook:
  • "We've sold 45 + trials in the past 20 days."
  • "As of this morning I'm at 24 leads this month! We weren't open for the 1st/2nd, so we're averaging more than 2 leads per day. Those ads are working!"
  • "In total I've had 14 trials and 10 signed up. One paid in full. When I asked them how they found out about us they said it was all the Google reviews and your ads which I placed on my window."
Here's another quote from a member, after seeing this month's ads:
  • "These ads are awesome -- I'm glad I upgraded!"
And here's another one... I was so shocked at his results, I called him to get more details on how he did it:* 
  • A big thanks to Michael Massie and the group. I used the Christmas ads for our annual Christmas campaign this year, and ideas found in the group. As of tonight we have sold 73 six week trials! I am expanding our mat size, expanding our schedule, I'm doing everything I can to be ready to fit 73 new students in our school. What an awesome problem to have!
FYI, I'm not listing names here because I don't know if these members want their competitors to find out how they're crushing in their schools. 

But these comments and conversations are easily found within the private member's group on Facebook, once you become a member of Martial Arts Business U.

And here's the deal on that... 

Before the holidays I sent out a 25% off coupon code to my subscriber list. But things were tight for a lot of you before the holidays, which kept some of you from joining.

So, I think it's only fair to give you the same deal now, after the holidays when you're able to let your belt out a few notches.

There's a 7-day money back guarantee on the coaching group, so if you join and decide it's not for you, just fill out a support ticket and I'll refund your money.

But be advised, you're only licensed to use our ads for as long as you're a current paying member. That's to keep people from joining, downloading the ads, and then asking for a refund, which wouldn't be fair to me or to the legit paying members.

(I'm being up front about the fine print because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. And, I honestly don't want people in the group who aren't serious about growing their dojos.)

Here's the link and the discount code... be sure to watch the welcome video when you join. And once you've logged in the member site, click the "Facebook Group" tab for instructions on how to get in our private coaching group:

Coupon code: 25off2017

Until next time,

Mike Massie

P.S. - *To get those 73 new trial members, he literally just used the member ads and followed the instructions I gave everyone in the coaching group.

P.S.S. - Quick footnote to that member's story... His wife had been out of work due to a serious accident, so he's been running the dojo on his own and working a part-time job on the weekends to make up for the lost income. But now that all those new students are coming in, he and his wife are able to go full-time with their school. I love those stories!
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