Subject: Winners at 12/1, 7/1, 10/3, 11/4 & 11/4 Yesterday...

Sometimes things just fall nicely into place...

In my previous email, I mentioned that we were just starting to see signs of an improvement in performance, and good results likely to arrive soon...

Well, yesterday these signs became much more clear and concise, netting us no less than five winning bets at odds of up to 12/1...

Here's a screenshot of my results from yesterday...
There's a couple of my other system bets lumped in there, but five of these wins came courtesy of BackLucrative...

Congratulations to everyone who hopped on board our free trial over the past couple of days! If you haven't, now is the perfect time to do so...

It's opening day of Chester's Boodles May Festival today, and we have a range of strong contenders backed and posted to the members area...

I've still got a handful of spaces available for our free 1 week trial membership, but I will be closing down this offer as soon as these are taken. This will be tomorrow at the very latest...

Enjoy the Festival!
Lucrative Racing

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