Subject: A Losing Run Rant (don't get me started!)...

What with the glorious weather we've had over the bank holiday, I decided to have a few friends over for a barbecue...

One of them started telling me about a staking system they wanted to try. It went a bit like this...

"Only bet on favourites. If you lose, double the stake for you next bet. Once you win a bet, go back to your original stake..."

And I let out a long, slow sigh...

I started to explain how even a short losing run would completely wipe out his bank, and how to implement a sensible staking plan, and his eyes slowly began to glaze over...

Well, I tried! ...

Fortunately, I know if you're reading this you're already much more savvy to the perils of losing runs. However, having the knowledge doesn't necessarily make them easy to deal with...

This is just as true for tipsters as it is for punters. And most tipsters have a habit of glazing over the losing runs, only to promote hard after their next winning streak...

I have to admit, I've been guilty of this practise too! It's much easier to raise interest for a service when I have a great run of recent results to share...

But over the years, I've came to realise that winning streaks tend to be followed by losing runs, and losing runs followed by winning streaks...

This is what I like to call the Betting Roller-Coaster...

And you've probably experienced this, if you're ever started using a betting system, or following a tipster with a great track record, only to be hit by a losing run soon after...

But the important point is this...

To be a succesful punter in the long run, we need to learn to enjoy the ride! ... 

There's no point in panicking at the next free-fall. Just like a roller-coaster, betting is supposed to be fun, after all...

And as a tipster, I need to remind myself that promoting right after a great run of results is most likely a foolish thing to do...

It's a hard lesson to learn, but I'm getting there. And that brings me to the promotion I'm running this week...

So has BackLucrative went through a great run of results recently? ...

In short, No...

We had an excellent performance during the first quarter of 2018, but April brought us a substantial losing run. And we're just now starting to see the first signs of improvement...

In my opinion, this makes now the ideal time to get on board the service, as we're much more likely to see a good run of results in the near future...

That's why, while spaces are still available, I'm offering you free access to the service for the next 7 days...

Simply click on the link below to get all the juicy details...

Please make sure the code BLFREETRIAL is entered in the coupon box when creating your account.

Here's to the next bout of winners!

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