Subject: This Really Scared Me...

As I mentioned in yesterday's Q&A Video, when lockdown hit it took me a few "daydream" sessions before the idea came to me... 

That idea was to create something completely new, and show you how to create a 6-figure online business from scratch.

As I wrote down my idea, and started planning how to go about it, I felt excited and eager to get started...

But when it came time to act, it hit me like a brick wall...


What if I can't do this? ... 
What if I'm not good enough? ...
What if nobody's interested? ...

A very interesting question landed in my inbox last night, from one of my soon-to-be-entrepreneurs David, who agreed to let me share it here with you...

"I've wanted to set up an online business for years, but am always too scared of failing to go ahead with it. It's like I have a mental block! Any advice?"

Hats off to David for being so open and honest. Most of us pretend we're not afraid, when really we are...

Plus, he's hit the nail right on the head...

Fear is the #1 enemy, and the single biggest thing that's stopping you pursuing your goals and dreams, and achieving what you want in your life.

We're living through an uncertain time right now, and if you start your day with the morning news, you're being pushed into a state of fear right from the word go...

My advice - turn it off!

And when fear is preventing you from taking the actions you know you really should take, try asking yourself the following question...

Where is the PROOF that I can't do this? 

I put this question to David, and all he had to say was...

"I don't have any's just a feeling."

And that exactly right...

It's just a feeling

Just because you have a particular thought or feeling, doesn't necessarily mean it's true.

I'm very fortunate to have learned the difference between genuine fear (if my life is in danger), and the type of fear that stops you in your tracks for the wrong reasons... 

So when this type of fear recently paid me a visit... 

I simply gave it a little wave, and a knowing smile, then sat down and got to work.

So if you have something of value to offer the world (and I know you do), but fear is holding you back...

Why not follow in the footsteps of David, who signed up to my rapid-implementation course first thing this morning, and is starting to create his 6-figure business right now, as you read this email.

I know you'll be glad you did.

Kind Regards,
 - Michael
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