Subject: Business Boffin Closes Today - And Thank You For The Past 8 Years!

Well, I'm officially starting my new business development career tomorrow...

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been 8 years since I sat down and wrote my first Horse Racing E-book, and started building my first digital business...

That little 20-page Word document, and the audience it helped me build, set me free.
Here's a pic of me skiing in the alps...a rare treat for me and my partner shortly after I launched my first service.

But that freedom it didn’t come easily…

It took me years of complete and utter failure before I finally figured out the secret to succeeding in the online business world.

But once I did, things started to change in a big way...

Fast forward to today, and my Horse Racing site Lucrative Racing has transformed into a thriving 6-figure business...
So what was the secret?

I'll give it to you now...

It wasn’t a revolutionary new product, or a marketing gimmick, or a new social media platform…

Success will never come from something outside of yourself. The longer you chase that illusion, the longer it will elude you.

Ultimately, there is only one way to achieve real, long-term success... And that is increase your value to the world.

And the only way to increase your value, is to acquire a valuable skill.

What finally set me free after years of failure, is that I stopped chasing dreams, and started increasing my value to the world by mastering new skills.

Specifically, the skills of online business development… How to create a valuable product, a website and marketing funnel, and ultimately, how to build a large audience.

If you want to set yourself free, there is only one way to do it… Acquire the skills you need to cut your chains. That’s it. That’s THE secret to your success.

That why I decided to create “Business Boffin”, to give you the unique opportunity to acquire these skills too …

I’m not going to sit here and bore you with all of the details at this point. They’ve been available here along with the replay of my webinar for the past four days.

But I will just say this…

I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, recommend that you join before registration closes tonight.

If you want to acquire the skills of online business creation… If you want to learn how to build a website, and entire marketing funnel, create a sales letter, and build a large audience… You will learn all of that and much, much more in “Business Boffin”.

And not only will you learn and acquire these skills, but you will leave the program with a complete and working business that can actually generate revenue.

This is not a course. This is an implementation program where you will actually follow along with me, click-by-click, as we build your webpages and audience together.

I’m pulling out all the stops to make sure it’s the most detailed, and comprehensive product that I’ve ever produced, and I’m also assuming 100% of the risk.

I’ll give you 14 days to go through as much of the course content as you like, and if it's not for you I'll refund you 100%, no questions asked.

If you want to set yourself free like I did 8 years ago, click here and join Business Boffin right now.

The deadline is TONIGHT, and you’ll be VERY glad that you did.

So what’s next for me? Am I turning off the lights and disappearing?

No, no… Not at all.

When racing finally starts back up, I'm going to give my betting portfolio a much needed "spring-clean" and get back to my punting-roots.

I’m going to continue building Lucrative Racing which is still one of my biggest passions to this day.

And I’m going to explore new avenues of residual wealth-creation too.

Lot’s of amazing things are in the works, but the vast majority of my time over the next 60 to 90 days, will be spent helping participants of "Business Boffin" create a working business that can set them free.

I hope you decide to click here and become one of them.

I want to say THANK YOU so much for your support over the years.

It’s truly been an honour and a privilege…

Onward and upward...

 - Michael Carr
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