Subject: "Master Your Betting" Closes Today...And Thank You For The Past 10 Years!

Well, I’m officially moving on to the next stage of my career today...

It’s hard to believe that it’s only been 10 years since I sat down and wrote my first betting system, and started treating my betting as an investment instead of a gamble. 

That little 25-page document, and the profit it helped me generate, set me free. 
(This is a pic of me "being free" on my travels in Australia back in 2011.)

But that freedom it didn’t come easily… 

It took me five years of complete and utter failure before I finally figured out how to make my betting profitable... 

But once I did... Wow... Do things change fast! 

Within the next 36 months, I would accumulate over £50,000 in tax-free revenue...
So what was the secret? 

I'll give it to you now... It wasn’t a revolutionary new tipster. It wasn’t a can't-miss system, or the next big "horse to follow" list… 

Success will never come from something outside of yourself. 

The longer you chase that illusion, the longer it will elude you.

Ultimately, there is only one way to achieve real, long-term success... And that is increase your value to the world. 

And the only way to increase your value, is to acquire a valuable skill.

What finally set me free after six years of failure, is that I stopped chasing dreams, and started increasing my value to the world by mastering new skills. 

Specifically, the skills of sports betting investment… How to create a valuable bet finding strategy, and ultimately, how to build a substantial additional revenue stream. 

If you want to set yourself free, there is only one way to do it… Acquire the skills you need to cut your chains. That’s it. That’s THE secret to your success. 

That's why I decided to create, “Master Your Betting” and hold one FINAL training course, for one FINAL group of students… 

I’m not going to sit here and bore you with all of the details at this point. They’ve been available in my training webinar and on this page for the past week. 

But I will just say this… I HIGHLY, HIGHLY, recommend that you join before registration closes tonight

If you want to acquire the skills of betting to profit… If you want to learn how to build your very own and unique bet finding strategy from scratch… you will learn all of that and much, much more in “Master Your Betting”. 

And not only will you learn and acquire these skills, but you will leave the course with a complete and working strategy that actually generates revenue. 

This is not just a course. This is an implementation program where you will actually follow along with me, click-by-click, as we build your betting strategy together. 

This is the LAST training course where I share this process with you from beginning to end, so I’m making sure it’s the most detailed, and comprehensive that I’ve ever produced, and I’m also assuming 100% of the risk. 

I’m giving you a full year to go through and implement everything you learn. 

Either you get the results you want, or I’ll give you a 100% refund, PLUS… A cheque for an extra £50. 

So there’s literally no way you can lose. At bare minimum, you walk away with an extra £50 in your pocket. 

If you want to set yourself free like I did 10 years ago, click here and join Master Your Betting right now

The deadline is TONIGHT, and you’ll be VERY glad that you did. 

So what’s next for me? Am I turning off the lights and disappearing? 

No, no… Not at all. 

When I return from my sabbatical towards the end of the year, I’m going to continue building Lucrative Racing, and the services offered there which are a passion project of mine. 

I’m also going to expand the topics of conversation, to include other avenues of investment and income generation.

Lot’s of amazing things are in the works, but the vast majority of my time over the next 8 weeks, will be spent helping my final group of students in "Master Your Betting" create a working strategy for their betting, that can set them free. 

I want to say THANK YOU so much for your support over the years. It’s truly been an honour and a privilege… Onward and upward... 

 - Michael Carr

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