Subject: ATTENTION: What You Need To Know About My Upcoming Sabbatical...

Well I have to admit, the next 24 hours is going to be pretty exciting for me...

Assuming all goes well with my new course over the next eight weeks, I'll be taking my long-overdue sabbatical shortly afterwards...

And here’s why that’s important to you…

If you’ve been paying attention to my emails over the past week, or if you took the time to watch my "eight keys to succesful betting" webinar, you know that I’ve offered to teach one final group of students how to create their own unique bet finding strategies from scratch, and earn an additional £5,000 - £15,000 tax-free revenue in the next year, in 
a step-by-step implementation program called, “Master Your Betting.”

I expect this to be the only training course I ever produce that shows you my entire bet finding process from start to finish, 
and the deadline to participate is tomorrow night (Thursday).

I’ll say that again… This is the LAST training course I intend to produce on this topic, and you only have one day left to register.

Because it's my last, I want it to be my best.

I’ve posted all of the details about it here, but there are three things I want to share with you right now in this email, because they’re so important…

1: “Master Your Betting” isn’t just a training course. It’s an actual implementation program. You’re going to watch me go through the entire bet finding process, click-by-click, so you can build your strategy at the same time, by modelling me. Assuming you follow the steps, you should have an active bet-finding, revenue producing strategy by the time we’re done.

2: I want this to be a completely SAFE decision for you, 
so you'll have a full 30 days to go through the course and see if it's right for you. If not, I'll be happy to refund you 100%.

3: I’m so confident that Master Your Betting will be a game-changer for you, I’m going to do something I’ve never done before in my life...

Go through all of the step-by-step videos in Master Your Betting as I release them, and use them to start finding your own wagers...

If the course does not see you in profit within the year, not only will I give you a full refund, but I’m willing to send you an additional cheque for £50, just to thank you for giving me the opportunity to help you reach your goal of becoming a professional betting investor...

In other words, I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.

You either walk away with the ability to find profitable bets, and generate tax-free cash on demand, 
or you walk away with a full refund, plus an additional £50 in your pocket just for giving it a try… 

There’s literally no way you can lose here, which means there’s nothing else I can say or do beyond that.

If you want to join me here in my final, and most comprehensive training course ever, then click here to read all of the details, and please hurry. I’m closing registration down tomorrow night, (Thursday, July 4th) at midnight.

- Michael Carr

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