Subject: [ALERT] Last Chance To 4.5x - 17.9x Your Money This Year...

Secure A 4.5x - 17.9x Return On Your Investment In 2019 ...
We're taking down our January Sale offer later today, so this is your last chance to join us for the coming year at a substantial discount...

So what's the offer then? ...

Register now to get one full week to test this out for just 79p, plus 20% off the normal cost for membership if you choose to continue afterwards...

Here's a few reasons why you should start implementing this in your betting...

 - It's generated 388.36 level stakes profit (as of 30th January)

 - This represents and average bankroll growth of 4.5X per year (in other words, earn £3,500 per year at £10 level stakes).

 - This can be increased to a mind-boggling 17.9X growth by compounding your bankroll at the end of each month.

 - It takes just 10 minutes to use, each day you want to bet.

 - If we don't make a profit within 30 days, we'll refund you 100%, no questions asked.

In other words, it's well worth giving a test drive while the offer is still good...

Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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