Subject: [Members Exclusive] How To Earn A Free Membership In 5 Minutes...

Hi Friend,

If you'd like to get an additional 1 - 3 months membership added to your existing account for free (worth £39 - £99), please read on to find out how...

We'd like to get some feedback and testimonials to add to our website, so readers can see what current members think about our service...

And as a thank you for taking five minutes to write (or record) a paragraph or two about your experience with us so far, we'd like to give you something in return, as follows:

 - Provide a written testimonial, including a headshot / photo of yourself, to receive a free months membership added to your account (worth £39).

 - Provide a video testimonial, anything from 30 seconds to a couple of minutes long, to receive a free quarters membership added to your account (worth £99).

Written testimonials & photos can be sent by replying to this email, or directly to

Video testimonials can be sent on Apple devices, by sharing via email, then using the "Mail-Drop" option when sending. On Android devices, I recommend downloading and using the app "WeTransfer" to send video files.

Elsewhere on the agenda, we have a few upgrades planned for our Trainer Treasures service next month...

If you're currently a member of this service, please visit the Trainer Treasures page from 1st February onwards to get all the details. 

Thanks In Advance,
Lucrative Racing
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