Subject: Friend, holiday stress can quickly make you sick... here's how to avoid that 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

It's easy to get all peopled out around the holidays even if you LOVE people.

Or feel overwhelmed with all the extra things to do, pay for and go to.

And you know you can't be at your best for those you care about if you aren't taking care of YOU.

It's okay. I've got you covered... 🥰

Just 20 minutes of Me-time (YES YOU CAN MAKE TIME AND MUST) can help you manage your mental and emotional health during this busy time and that translates into a much healthier body!

If you are all peopled out from crowds, parties or family and friend get togethers, Releasing Negative Emotions From The Day will clear out stress (on a beach!) and get you energized! ⚡

If you don't have people to do things with and want some, Bubble Of Inspiration will boost your confidence and self-image (in a meadow!) so you can jump in a Facebook women's group or group and meet fun people. 😊

If you wake up anxious with so much to do or a stressful day ahead, Wake Up, Powerful Day is there for you to get excited about your day and know you can handle whatever comes your way. 🤗

If you are out of energy by afternoon, Afternoon Energizer will charge your battery back up and give you the energy you need to finish your day with success. 🏆

If you have trouble sleeping with so much on your mind, Peaceful Sleep will take you to a beautiful sunset scene (at a lake!) and give you one simple thing to do to make your next day better! 😴

If you've been procrastinating, and really need to get in gear, Taking Inspired Action will help you use why power instead of destructive willpower to get things done NOW. ⏰

Get my Relax & Empower Guided Visualizations For Women. They are short, powerful and get you feeling better fast! 💖

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Questions? Simply reply to this email. 🙂

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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