Subject: You are worthy and important Friend ♡

Positive Women Rock Life Strategies. Manage subscription below.
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Hi Friend,
If you have times when you don't feel like you are worthy of your dreams or becoming the woman you're meant to be, you're not alone.
Turn on your images! You're missing a cool picture I made for you!
Several things that can cause you to feel unworthy. Here are a few:
  • An unsupportive relationship that damaged your self-esteem
  • A lack of strong female role models
  • Mental or emotional abuse from family, work or partner
  • Exhaustion from caring for everyone but you
  • Societal stereotypes
  • Being shut down when you reached for your dreams
  • Settling for less than you truly want

All women struggle with worthiness at one time or another, some for decades and others for a lifetime.

You are just as valuable and important as anyone else on this earth. And you are worthy of creating a life you enjoy and a future you look forward to.

Take a good look at who and what are in your life today. Do those people, that job, and those situations align with your values? For example, if you value honesty and you're honest but your friend or partner isn't, that can easily keep you stuck and feeling unworthy because it's out of alignment with your values.

You're worthy of the trip. You're worthy of your dreams. You're worthy of self-care, me-time and a life you enjoy!
Customized Coaching Plan Success!
Amanda just needed 30 minutes per week for business coaching and look at her progress already!

During my first session Kelly gave me a couple exercises to practice directing my subconscious mind and helping me to sleep better. Within the first week I was sleeping through the night consistently. Something that hasn't happened for me in years. Days can seem very tough when you've lived without good sleep for so long! Getting through the workday is a challenge and it leaves you with no energy for your family or yourself at the end of the day. Very grateful for the sleep, for the energy and clear mind the next day! Thanks, Kelly!!!
- Amanda Acevedo (repeat client), Texas 
Connect with me if you need:
  • A few coaching sessions to get through a rough patch
  • One empowering coaching session per month to keep you inspired
  • Energy work to help with: relationship challenges, confidence, weight loss, quick habit changes, grief, physical illness, energetic protection techniques, emotional release techniques, etc.
  • Or the Rock Your Life, Powerful Results or Ignite Your Power program on my website
Click here to schedule a complimentary Clarity Call and let's discuss how we can get you to where you want to be. I look forward to speaking with you!

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Ahh!!! Turn on your images, my FACE is supposed to be here! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Complimentary Clarity Call
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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