Subject: How to find the silver lining... ☀

Positive Women Rock Life Strategies. Manage subscription below.
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Hey Friend, it's Kelly and I hope your week is going well.

You may need help finding the silver lining when things don't go as planned. It's painful, frustrating and scary to have bad things happen and not know why. And it's important to learn the lesson from every experience or you are destined to repeat it.

If you find the same things happening to you more than once, you didn't learn the lesson.

I know, there are all kinds of excuses and blaming others is a common one. Truth is, if it happened to YOU it is a lesson for YOU and whoever else was involved has their own lesson to learn from it too.

Turn on your images! You're missing a beach picture!
To help find the silver lining, remember this:

"Nothing in life has happened TO you, it's happened FOR you; to be strong, to be decisive, to love, and to become who you're meant to be."

You upgrade your life each time you learn the lesson from an experience and EVERY experience has a lesson. Let me know if you need help figuring it out.

Special Announcement
I'm experimenting with customized coaching and energy-work programs for clients with smaller Personal Growth Budgets who may not be a good fit for my six month programs.

If you need:
  1. A few coaching sessions to get through a rough patch
  2. One coaching session per month
  3. Individual energy sessions to help with: relationships, confidence, weight loss, quick habit changes, grief, physical illness, energetic protection techniques, emotional release techniques, etc.
Click here to schedule a complimentary Clarity Call and let's discuss how we can work together. I look forward to speaking with you!
"You gave me so much more in 20 minutes than I got in 2 years of counseling." Conley Ann, San Diego

"You’ve managed to give me more insight about my life in 2 emails than 7 years of higher education..." Sahar F., New York City

Click HERE for More Happy Client stories
Ahh!!! Turn on your images, my FACE is supposed to be here! :)

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Complimentary Clarity Call
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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