Subject: I felt LESS safe and more vulnerable after self-defense classes, Friend 🤔 Had to turn that around...

Positive Women Rock
Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hey Friend,

I'm so happy you're here! Whether you had the best week EVER or one you'd rather forget... I get it.

I'd like to forget most of Tuesday this week. My brain didn't want to kick into business mode and I didn't feel I got enough done. Adding it to next week for another shot at a great day would be much appreciated! LOL 💥👍

As humans, it's easy to lose our way on occasion with the uncertainty about if we are where we are meant to be or doing what we are here to do, or if it's enough, or if we're enough... oh, my gosh, it can go on and on.

And I want to remind you that you ARE right where you are supposed to be right now. And you ARE enough. You are a masterpiece under construction getting better every day!

[TRUE STORY] After surviving two and a half years of domestic violence in my 20’s, I took every self-defense course I could find.

I was surprised!

What I was being taught was far too complicated to work in a real situation.

Most of my instructors were male, blackbelts or ex-cops and none had ever been raped or in a domestic violence situation.

Maybe that's why they didn't know what they taught was ineffective.

I watched the other women walk away from the classes falsely confident they could defend themselves, when I knew better.

In fact, the multi-step techniques were sometimes 5-7 steps and I couldn’t even remember them once I got home!

That made me feel even more vulnerable... and stupid for having learned what to do and not being able to remember.

So the classes I took to feel strong and capable and safe felt disempowering and scary instead.

What I did was dissect the parts of the techniques I could recall and pull out the one-motion movement from each that WOULD work.

Ultimately, my company SURVIVE! Self-Defense (1999-2011) was born.

I got to teach thousands of men, women, teens and kids (in person) how to avoid becoming victims in the first place, and how to defend themselves with simple effective one-motion movements just in case.

And you know what?

Just KNOWING the simple concepts I taught gave them so much genuine confidence, they carried themselves differently and they weren’t chosen as victims... even if they had been in the past!

Simplifying things into what works quickly and effectively is my superpower.

Now I work with the subconscious mind and help people adjust tiny things that get BIG results.

Like my 1-hr virtual workshop to replace 3 self-sabotaging and success-sabotaging words you use DAILY with positive alternatives so you can be heard, and feel valued, and have your boundaries respected at work and home.

It’s $27. I'd love you to join me.

Think of others you know who want to feel more confident and empowered. 😊

Simply reply to this email and let me know. I will personally respond. 👍


Kelly 💖

P.S. Hit reply also if you have a difficult situation you want to handle in the most quick and effective way.

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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