Subject: Friend, Have You Expanded Your Mind Today?

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Hi Friend,

Really. Have you expanded your mind lately?

When you came to this website, you were most likely looking for some free guitar instruction - chords and strumming, scales and song how-tos. And I hope you've received at least some of what you were after. Today's message should help you get outside the technical side of guitar and music, and open up to some possibilities you might not have considered.

Before I get to what I want to talk about, just quick reminder - it's Valentine's Day! Whether you do anything special with your girl/boyfriend or spouse, don't forget to at least say something! Just a hug and kiss and mentioning the day can be enough. And if you're between significant others at the moment, do something nice for yourself.

Here's someone's compilation (read opinion) of the 25 Best Love Songs as a Spotify play list.

OK back to the serious business of music.

I'm a rock guy. I like almost all forms of rock, and can usually find something to appreciate in every song.

But I'm not in an exclusive relationship with Rock. She and I have an understanding - she can mix and match with other musical genres and styles, and I can listen to whatever music I want. It's a pretty sweet deal for me - there's no jealousy, no fights, no hurt feelings…

And the best part - I get to expand my horizons. It makes me better and more versatile when I come back to Rock.

I had the opportunity to watch a video this week on If you don't know about TED, it's a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to spread worthy ideas. They focus on the areas of technology, entertainment and design - hence the name TED.

I've seen social issues addressed, business and science concepts presented and personal growth techniques shared. The messages have been insightful, thought provoking and inspiring. has proven to be worth the time spent on the site.

Anyway, back to the presentation I watched. The presenter is Benjamin Zander, conductor for the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. The purpose of his message is to lead us to an understanding and love of classical music.

Now before you start arguing with me about having no interest in Classical music, that the music is boring or dead or for old people, that you're a rock, or blues, or metal, or hip-hop, or country player, I encourage you to take about 20 minutes and listen to Benjamin Zander's case for classical music.

I think by the time you're finished, you'll have learned a thing or two. One, you'll find this gentleman engaging, funny and very passionate about what he does. Two, he will educate you not only about music, but about leadership, a sense of purpose, and perhaps help you to define your goals and life a bit.

View with an open mind, and enjoy the energy that is clearly displayed. Music is much more than notes and beats and harmonies all thrown together to make an organized piece. There are very subtle but powerful forces in music that our brains pick up intuitively and use to move us through the experience of the song. If it is written well, we can be moved emotionally in ways that no other medium can touch.

Here's the TED video link again.

So enjoy this - it is well worth your time. Hopefully you'll have your brain stretched a bit today! You can learn more about Benjamin Zander here.

Thank you, and Happy Valentine's Day!



Dave "Eddie" Vance is a rock guitar enthusiast and gear nut. He has been playing guitar for over 30 years and enjoys tormenting the neighbors every chance he gets. When he's not slaving for the man, you can find him rocking out with his B.C. Rich Bich guitar, a cold beer and some sweet tunes.

He also runs, but you knew that already!

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I review products before recommending them. If you buy a product based on my recommendation, I will receive a commission. However, my emails also contain links that don’t require any investment on your part and are jam-packed with "juicy, guitar learnin' tastiness".

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