Subject: "Last Days of Capitalism" Update

Hello Friends,

Mark Stolaroff here, the producer of The Last Days of Capitalism. For most of you, this is my first time reaching out, and I wanted to first say thank you for joining our mailing list. I apologize for the several months of radio silence, but as you know, it has been a crazy last several months since our film world premiered at Cinequest. I hope you are all healthy and safe.

I did want to finally give you an update on the film and let you know where things are heading for us. First, as many of you know, we (kinda) premiered at Cinequest in early March, right before the world caved in. We were able to screen once, before the festival was postponed, meaning we didn't get our last three screenings. Many of you joined us from that screening and we're so glad you came out to our one-and-only theatrical screening of the film (so far). We do hope we are able to screen again in a theater, but until then, we're navigating the uncharted waters of virtual film festivals. 

In April, we played the Kansas City Film Fest virtually and were thrilled to win two awards! Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature and the Jury Award for Best Actor (for Sarah Harper). 
WHFF Laurel
Next up is the wonderful Woods Hole Film Festival. This is a great regional festival in their 29th year located in Woods Hole, Cape Cod. I attended two years ago with my previous feature DriverX and it was a terrific experience. Of course this year it's all online. We're screening this Friday, July 31st and doing a Zoom Q&A afterwards, starting at 7pm PDT. These are a lot of fun, though not quite the same as sipping Pina Coladas by the dunes of the Cape!

We've submitted to a few Fall festivals and have been accepted into some other fests that haven't figured out what they're doing yet with the virus. We will keep you posted on all of that. Cinequest, by the way, is re-convening virtually and we will be participating in that, which is in August. As part of their initiative, we're going to shoot a little "Making Of" featurette via Zoom, and we'll be sure to share that with you.

Some of you are connected to us via social media, but as things ramp up, it would be so nice if those of you who aren't could join us. You'll find our social links at the bottom of this email.

And I'd also like to ask you a huge favor. The world getting flipped upside down has really affected our film's trajectory, and independent filmmaking has never been easy anyway. Your support right now could really help us as we start playing in more festivals and eventually reach out to distributors.

One way you can quickly help us is by rating the film on IMDB. This rating has become the de facto metric for buyers and film fans at festivals, looking to see if a movie is "good." When film-goers look us up, we'd like them to see a strong rating. A high rating is crucial for a film like ours, and a high number of ratings means that opinion is broad-based. It only takes a few seconds and here's how to do it:


To rate us, just click the button below and then click the star that says "Rate This" (to the right of the Title). If you're not logged into IMDB, it will ask you to log in first, and if you don't already have an IMDB account, it will ask you to create one, which takes about 5 seconds and is free. Of course, I want you to be honest with your rating, but if you're going to go to the trouble to rate the film, please consider rating it highly, (just sayin'...)! THANK YOU!!

I will be back in touch with more news as it occurs. Let's hope we can all get back to some kind of normal soon, and please stay safe! Thanks so much for jumping on board this journey of ours. I'm sure it will be an interesting ride! 


2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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