Subject: "Last Days of Capitalism" Update

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Dear LDC Cast & Crew,

So sorry for the several months of radio silence, but we've been a bit distracted over here at LDCHQ with events! I hope you are all healthy and safe, and are finding ways to earn a living in these troubled times for our industry. 

Many of you are connected to us via social media, so you might have a bit of an idea of what's been going on with the film these last several months, but I wanted to give you a quick update, as we hope things will start heating up as we get closer to Fall.

As you can imagine, the world getting flipped upside down has affected our film's trajectory. We (kinda) world premiered at Cinequest in early March, right before everything went to shit. We were able to screen once, before the festival was postponed, meaning we didn't get our last three screenings. I'm happy to say that that one screening went well, with a very nice crowd reaction. We were also fortunate to be featured in a pre-festival article in the San Jose Mercury News--one of only 15 films mentioned. We got a great pull quote out of that:

"Sleek, sexy and surprising...not to be missed!"

We'll take that! Around that same time, we found out we were in two additional festivals--the Phoenix Film Festival and the Kansas City Film Fest. Phoenix postponed (and they're still trying to figure out what to do this year), but KC went ahead and did their fest online. This was back in April when everyone was paranoid about screening online in a festival, but I'm glad we did, since we won the Audience Award for Best Narrative Feature and the Jury Award for Best Actor (for Sarah Harper). Pretty nice!!
WHFF Laurel
We've submitted to a few Fall festivals and we're looking forward to hearing from them in the coming months, but the big news today is we've been accepted into the fabulous Woods Hole Film Festival! This is a terrific regional festival located in Woods Hole, Cape Cod, in their 29th year. I attended two years ago with my previous feature DriverX and it was a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, as you can imagine, this will not be happening live, but rather again, it's going to be a virtual experience. This means they will screen the film online for their patrons and then conduct a virtual Q&A through Zoom. The fest starts July 25th and we're waiting to get our screening time.

While this isn't as much fun as frolicking in the dunes of the Cape, it's still a great opportunity for us to reach a new audience, build awareness, and maybe even add another award to our resume, which will definitely help with sales. 

We will be working to get some online validation from this audience, which is incredibly important at this stage of the game. And with this, you all can help, too. Two things we'll be asking all those participants on our Zoom Q&A to do is join us on social media, and most importantly, rate/review us on IMDB. We actually went into KC with no rating and came out with a 9.5! Now, that's with only 8 ratings, but it's the beginning of something we want, no, need to grow. 

So, please take a second to login to (or create an account, which takes a couple of seconds), and rate our film (which will take an additional second). And since you're already taking all that time, and since this is your movie, you might as well go ahead and give the film a 9 or a 10. If you know anything about the IMDB algorithm, you know that they weigh these ratings, and if you've only reviewed one film, your weight is low. So, feel free to rate a bunch of other movies while you're in there. Make your vote count (more)!

I've learned from experience how important this rating is. People decide which movies they want to see at festivals from these ratings, and then they can be incredibly important when we're approaching distributors, and finally many filmgoers (especially indie filmgoers), use the rating to decide whether to rent/buy the movie. So, please help us gin up this score!  


If you're not already following the film on social media, please click the links below and join us!

I will be back in touch with more news as it occurs, and you will be added to the general LDC mailing list, so you will also get an email soon to the general list. 

Let's hope we can all get back to some kind of normal soon, and please stay safe! Looking forward to seeing you all one day in a Cast & Crew Screening of the film, (crossing fingers!). 


2100 N. Beachwood Dr. #207, Los Angeles, CA 90068, United States
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