Subject: Studies for the Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary TIme - B - September 30, 2012

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Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 30, 2012

Don’t Stop Them, Stop Yourself

Scandal is a two edged sword. We can be scandalized by the acts of others. Or we can cause scandal by our actions. Even the act of being scandalized can cause scandal. Obviously we cannot control others, but we can be responsible for our own acts. That was message of Jesus in this week’s gospel.

MP3 PODCAST: In this week’s audio podcast, we consider the scandal. Obviously evil can bring scandal, but what about the scandal charitable acts can bring?

FIRST READING: The book of Numbers presented the scandal of God’s activity. The people complained when YHWH didn’t act the way they expected him to. The Spirit of God came upon those who least expected it.

PSALM: Psalm 19 spoke of God’s activity in life, He’s in control, not us. That’s all we need to know.

SECOND READING: In his letter, St. James railed against those who idolized money. They would face divine wrath, despite the myopic view of the money hungry to present pleasures.

GOSPEL: In Mark’s gospel, Jesus addressed the subject of scandal, both outside and inside the community. Some outside the assembly will claim to be followers of Christ; should we be scandalized by them? Some within the community will act in ways un-Christian; what should be done about them?

CHILDREN’S READINGS: In the story for the first reading, Ryan got in trouble for helping a friend with his homework. Is that fair? Was it fair for God to give his Spirit to whomever he pleased? In the story for the gospel, Sam and Rossani became friends after a simple act of kindness. Their friendship became a cause for rumor and scandal that hurt both children. Jesus warned against scandal caused by rumors.

CATECHISM LINK: In this week’s Catechism Link, we investigate the person of Jesus Christ, Son of God.

FAMILY ACTIVITY: The opposite of selfishness is sharing. To make that point with your family members, play the “Turn Around” game.

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding