Subject: Studies for the Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - B - October 21, 2012

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Sunday Studies

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 21, 2012

True Leadership

With a simple, yet selfish question, James and John learned what following Jesus really meant. To follow Jesus meant to endure, even suffer, for the Good News. It meant serving all and be willing to be the last.


MP3 PODCAST: In this week’s audio podcast, we find the road to leadership can begin with a single question. Sometimes to lead, all we need to do is ask.

FIRST READING: In Isaiah 53, we met the image of the “Suffering Servant,” the one who would suffer for the good of the community. Through his suffering, God would reward him and his people.

PSALM: Psalm 33 praised God, not for what he could do for us, but simply for who he is. God is God and, for that reason, deserves our praise.

SECOND READING: The letter to the Hebrews gives us comfort. We have a High Priest, a heavenly advocate, before God the Father in the person of Jesus Christ. Our relationship with him gives us the “inside track” to the Father.

GOSPEL: In Mark’s Gospel, John and James sought a position of leadership when Jesus would come into his (presumed earthly) glory. The question they asked was a test of their character, and an opportunity to learn what real discipleship means.

CHILDREN’S READINGS: In the story for the first reading, Jennifer found out the price for leadership. As the class president, she had to work hard and endure criticism, yet she progressed, just like the “Suffering Servant” in Isaiah. In the story for the gospel, Eddie learned who was really in charge of the fancy dinner his family celebrated. It was the one who served the meal. That was the message Jesus gave to his followers, and to us.

CATECHISM LINK: In this week’s Catechism Link, we learn the value of the phrase “Pray Always.”

FAMILY ACTIVITY: This week, have a fancy home meal and give each family member the chance to serve a dish. Appreciate the servers with applause. This will help drive home the point Jesus made in his teaching on leadership.

Upcoming Studies

October 18: Feast of St. Luke

October 21: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 28: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 1: All Saints

November 2: All Souls

November 4: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 9: Dedication of St. John Lateran

November 11: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 18: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

November 22: Thanksgiving

November 25: Christ the King

November 30: Feast of St. Andrew

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding