Subject: Studies for the Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time -A - September 11, 2011

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Daily Bible Reading   

Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - A - September 11, 2011

The Need To Forgive

Isn't ironic that the gospel teaching on forgiveness falls on the tenth anniversary of 9/11?

FEAST OF THE BIRTH OF MARY: September 8, 2011

FIRST READING Ben Sirach wrote a book of wise advice to his students. One of the most difficult pieces of advice he could give was that of forgiveness. Forgiveness leads to healing.

PSALM Psalm 103 is a song of praise in the guise of the word "blessing." How can we praise God? "Bless the Lord, O my soul."

SECOND READING In his letter to the Romans, St. Paul reminded his audience they do not live just for themselves. No, they live for others, especially the Lord.

GOSPEL What does it mean to truly forgive? This is the question Peter asked Jesus. Seven times, Lord? Is that enough? No, Jesus answered. Seven times seventy. The Lord knew forgiveness is never perfect; it is a lifelong struggle.

CHILDREN'S READINGS In the story for the first reading, we meet the son of Sirach who answered the hatred of his classmates by reading the wisdom of his father's book. In the story for the gospel, Alice liked to borrow things from her sister Jackie, but she would never return them. After giving so much, Jackie exploded over the loss of a pen. Can she forgive her sister in the Jesus wants all of us to forgive?

FAMILY ACTIVITY Stress the need to forgive with the "Arms Folded, Arms Out" game.

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God bless you and yours this autumn,

Larry Broding