Subject: Studies for the Third Sunday in Easter - B - April 22, 2012

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April 2012
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Third Sunday in Easter – April 22, 2012

Proclaim The Good News

In an inconspicuous room of old Jerusalem, followers of a dead prophet gathered to reflect on their loss. Suddenly, news came of an incredible, not to believed event. Their prophet was alive. Then, the Risen One appeared in their midst. His appearance turned their lives in a completely new direction. His message would guide the rest of their lives. They were to proclaim the Resurrection and God’s offer of forgiveness.

MP3 PODCAST In this week’s audio podcast, we consider the meaning of Good News. Good News not only brings relief, even joy, it also touches us personally.

FIRST READING St. Peter spoke to (even against) the Temple congregation in Acts 3. When the crowd reacted to a healing, Peter preached the Good News to the crowd and challenged them to convert.

PSALM Psalm 4 addressed the problem of stress. Now is the time for the Lord no matter what is going on in life. God’s calling. Do we answer?

SECOND READING How do we know we are close to the Lord? Of course, we cannot know this intimacy with certainty, but that has not stopped many from speculating. In 1 John, the author gave his answer. Faith lived out in charity.

GOSPEL In the gospel of Luke, the two on the road to Emmaus return, only to encounter the Lord among the other disciples. The appearance and message of the Risen Christ proclaimed the holy in creation (not in spite of nature or the material universe). It also marked a change in the expectations of his followers. Because of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, divine forgiveness was to be preached. This was Good News, indeed.

CHILDREN’S READINGS In the comments for the first reading, Peter and the other followers of Jesus changed from timid common people into courageous preachers. The change they underwent was a result of what Jesus did, even after his resurrection.

CATECHISM LINK In this week’s Catechism Link, we investigate God’s revelation. This revelation found its fulfillment in the Resurrection.

FAMILY ACTIVITY The early followers of the Lord knew they faced opposition, even trial and imprisonment for their faith. Could we stand up for our faith as they did? Create a “trial” for your family members. Question them (and have them question you): Why are you a Christian?

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God bless you and yours,

Larry Broding